“You don't raise heroes, you raise sons. And if you treat them like sons, they'll turn out to be heroes, even if it's just in your own eyes.”
~Walter M. Schirra, Sr.~

"Don't wait to make your son a great man - make him a great boy."
~Author Unknown~
I don't often get Nick in front of the camera, but this weekend we got to spend a little time together, just me and him, without the girls. It was nice to chat and let him tell me all that is going on in his world, without interruption.
So far 8th Grade is off to a great start.
He is happy to be back in school with his friends and enjoying all of the fun extra curricular activites that the school year brings. Of course he is not loving all of the homework and tests, but so far he seems to be doing well. He was voted Class Representative by his classmates the first week of school. This is a first for Nick, so he was pretty excited and we are very proud of him. I am still not exactly sure of all the responsibilities that come with this title...... but he says he is ready for it and that is all that matters.

Terrific shots! Congratulations to your son!
Really stand out shots of your son. How nice that you got to spend the time one on one together. That's great that he was elected as class representative - it's always an extra thrill as a Mum isn't it when something like that happens. My 8 yr old got elected to the SRC (similar idea) this year and I was so proud, until he lost his badge for the SECOND time! Let's not talk about it...
Thanks for the time you put into hosting this Friday link up. Much appreciated.
He looks so grown up! Great photos, get them of him when ever you can. Have a wonderful weekend!
Alyzabeth's Mommy for Three Years
Great photos of your son. I love your first quote, I might borrow it sometimes. Sons are so precious. Have a beautiful day.
These are great.
Lisa... I can't believe how grown up Nick looks. It's amazing...and so are these shots. Congrats to Nick for becoming his class rep. Sounds very official! :-)
Hope you have a fabulous weekend!
Love the pictures; love the quotes. Nick seems to be such a great young person-that doesn't happen by accident, Lisa!
awesome shots of nick!
glad you had some 1 on 1 time with him. he is a handsome young man!
xoxo have a blessed weekend! TGIF!
awesome shots of nick!
glad you had some 1 on 1 time with him. he is a handsome young man!
xoxo have a blessed weekend! TGIF!
Nick is such a handsome guy! You must be sooo proud of him!
Hope you have a great weekend!
Congrats to Nick! My boys won't come near the camera...how lucky are you:)
He is just so handsome and what a great young man you have on your hands. I think he is going to do something great, I can just tell :0) Love this location...so fitting for a young guy!
Congratulations Nick!!!!!
A bit Congrats to Nick. He is growing into such a handsome young man.
Way to go Nick!
Great shots girl! He looks amazing in red and that door is SO cool! Congrats to him on class rep, his classmates obviously know a good kid when they see one. :)
It's Friday, WOOHOO!! Love ya!!
love both of these but the last is my favorite. great setting!
Congrats Nick! Love these shots Lisa!
I am so happy to hear that Nick is going to have a great year.
Girl, Never Grow Up has had me sobbing for the past half hour. You have to put a warning on here for Moms whose children have gone off to college :)
you must be very proud of him...congrats for raising a good egg....:)
You've got quite a handsome guy on your hands...he looks so grown.
He's growing up into such a handsome young man! I just love that one of him by the firehouse- & congrats to him on his achievement!
Congrats....but I'm not surprised he is such a great big brother a natural leader.
These are fabulous, Lisa...what a handsome guy!!! Love the location so much. I can barely get though reading that first quote without getting teary. every time I read it.
Congrats to Nick, I know you have to be extremely proud!!!
Have a wonderful weekend. :)
Congratulations to Nick!
such clear beautiful shots!
grats to your son!
Hope you have a lovely weekend :)
Handsome! And i know from here that he's just as fab on the inside as he is outside.
You've done a great job, Lisa. You've raised him a great boy, and he will be a great man.
Super pics of your boy!
What a handsome young man! Thank you for sharing!
Yay Nick!!
Nick is a very handsome boy! You should be proud.
Nothing like some 1x1 time with our boys!
Great shots! Nick is maturing so fast ... what a handsome young man. Congrats on his election.
Great shots..but it's probably next to impossible to get a bad shot of that handsome son of yours.
Gin =)
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