I didn't have an opportunity to take many photos this week and while looking through the few that I did take, I had a hard time choosing just one for today.
Wednesday after I was done working, I took the girls to go Apple Picking thinking we would beat the weekend crowd. Well, that we did, but instead of the crowds we had to deal with the rain..... Just my luck, as soon as we got up there, it started to pour. The girls were pretty disappointed..... and so was I. We are planning to try again this weekend, but in the short time I was there I did manage to snap a few photos of the beautiful Mums they had for sale.

I was initially drawn to the purple ones.....

BUT I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, the dimension and the color in the burnt orange variety!
{I am tempted to print this one and hang it in our downstairs half bath}

The other thing that caught my eye this week were these sweet, sugary treats!!

Each day I have been picking up a little something special for the girls after daycare and they were so excited when they saw these candy pumpkins waiting for them.

And thanks to the bowl that is within arms reach every time you walk through the kitchen, my jeans are feeling extra tight. When I am stressed, I eat.....and it is never the good for you kind of food.
The last two weeks have been somewhat stressful with all the change, but I do believe things are getting better the more Reagan goes to the new daycare. I really appreaciate all of the great advice everyone gave on the last post. We are already doing a lot of the things that were mentioned, but she did not have a picture of us to take along with her. Next week she will:)
We did experience a bit of a breakthrough.....
I had to be at work very early the other morning and typically I have been the one to drop the girls off. When Pat heard what time I had to leave, he offered to take the girls. Of course as soon as he said that I was selfishly relieved that I would not have to be there to witness Reagan cry and carry on as I walked out the door.
I called Pat just minutes after he left the girls at daycare and guess what? She hardly cried for him at all. He said she whimpered a little, but no big tears or hysterics. I called and checked in on her throughout the day and they said she was doing very well and seemed very engaged with the other kids in her class.
When we got home that night we discussed it and Pat is going to try to be the one to take them in the morning. It could have been a fluke, but it might be that she has a harder time separating from me than from him. We are hoping for both Reagan's sake and mine, that this might be the answer. I will keep you posted!
Happy Weekend~

Wednesday after I was done working, I took the girls to go Apple Picking thinking we would beat the weekend crowd. Well, that we did, but instead of the crowds we had to deal with the rain..... Just my luck, as soon as we got up there, it started to pour. The girls were pretty disappointed..... and so was I. We are planning to try again this weekend, but in the short time I was there I did manage to snap a few photos of the beautiful Mums they had for sale.

I was initially drawn to the purple ones.....

BUT I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, the dimension and the color in the burnt orange variety!
{I am tempted to print this one and hang it in our downstairs half bath}

The other thing that caught my eye this week were these sweet, sugary treats!!

Each day I have been picking up a little something special for the girls after daycare and they were so excited when they saw these candy pumpkins waiting for them.

And thanks to the bowl that is within arms reach every time you walk through the kitchen, my jeans are feeling extra tight. When I am stressed, I eat.....and it is never the good for you kind of food.
The last two weeks have been somewhat stressful with all the change, but I do believe things are getting better the more Reagan goes to the new daycare. I really appreaciate all of the great advice everyone gave on the last post. We are already doing a lot of the things that were mentioned, but she did not have a picture of us to take along with her. Next week she will:)
We did experience a bit of a breakthrough.....
I had to be at work very early the other morning and typically I have been the one to drop the girls off. When Pat heard what time I had to leave, he offered to take the girls. Of course as soon as he said that I was selfishly relieved that I would not have to be there to witness Reagan cry and carry on as I walked out the door.
I called Pat just minutes after he left the girls at daycare and guess what? She hardly cried for him at all. He said she whimpered a little, but no big tears or hysterics. I called and checked in on her throughout the day and they said she was doing very well and seemed very engaged with the other kids in her class.
When we got home that night we discussed it and Pat is going to try to be the one to take them in the morning. It could have been a fluke, but it might be that she has a harder time separating from me than from him. We are hoping for both Reagan's sake and mine, that this might be the answer. I will keep you posted!
Happy Weekend~

Gorgeous shots. I love those pumpkins. Yummy!
Lovely, I like them all great creations with a delicious combination of pretty colors.
Look who is ROCKING her 100mm!!! Beautiful shots. Too bad it will be raining again all weekend :-(
Our kids are SOOO disappointed - we were supposed to go to a HUGE fall festival all weekend.
Hugs and love!
Wow, gorgeous colors! Hard to pick a favorite but that second shot seems so right for the time of year.
Erika B
Wonderful photos :) Have a nice weekend!
Beautiful pictures!!!!!!!
We love apple picking but sadly do not have any here in the South; Fall doesn't really come here until we decorate for Halloween, still in the 80's. We really miss all the Fall activities and color. Enjoy!!
Alyzabeth's Mommy
always amazing photos! love these!
That's so wonderful that Reagan is starting to get used to daycare! I have to agree that daddy dropping off is *much* easier on our kiddos than me. There are of course tweaks to every schedule, so the days that I'm forced to drop off just suck. Even after going to daycare for 2.5 years, my dd still cries & carries on if I'm dropping off. GUILT. TRIP. I hate it. I love the pick-up though (I get to be the hero)! ;)
Have a great weekend!!
beautiful shots today.....so happy Reagan did better one day at a time.....have a wonderful weekend!
Glad that your little one is going a little better at daycare - yes, it does very much pull at the heartstrings in the most forceful way when they hate seeing you go. That seems like a good strategy if your husband can drop them off. Loved your second shot - your photography is always a pleasure to view.
That shot of those orange mums would go great in my downstairs bath too! :)
SO glad Reags is settling in, hopefully soon she'll do great no matter which one of y'all takes her.
Happy first day of fall Friday, my bendy friend!! HAHA!
Lisa these macro shots are gorgeous!
So glad to hear Reagan is adjusting. I knew she would eventually start to feel comfortable with the new arrangements.
Looking forward to seeing some apple orchard photos. I'm sure they're going to be gorgeous!
Hope you have a fantastic weekend!
LOVE them all...very much, Lisa!!!
They're all fabulous but the mum ones might be my faves...
Definitely will rent one of those lenses some day!
Happy that miss R is doing a little better with daycare and hope it gets better each day.
Have a wonderful weekend with your family...
I love the burnt orange flower....great shots!
Beautiful shots- I hear you on the snacking!! Hoping that your new idea helps Reagan adjust better. Looking forward to hearing more in the coming days.
Oooh beautiful photos! Those are gorgeous!
Glad to hear the drop-offs are better - I should have thought of that -- Maddy always did better with Mr. Tennis too!
Hope you have a great weekend!
Oh wow! Those close-ups are just too gorgeous! Definitely canvas worthy! What lens did you use to capture them? Hope little Reagan has a much better week next week!
Most definitely put that shot up somewhere in your house...it's beautiful!!
I'm so happy that Miss Reagan is beginning to settle a bit. I hope it only gets better and better!
I'm having my "own tantrum" over here, because I want to learn to take pics like this!! :) Love ALL the pics and LOVE that Reagan is adjusting day by day! Have a great apple picking weekend!!
*I would love to participate in Favorite Photo Friday, but I don't blog, so I just sit back and enjoy everyone's entries! I call it EYECANDY FRIDAY! :)
Love the pumpkins! Has me thinking that just maybe it is time to put a little Fall decor into our house.
All that candy is making me hungry. YUM!
Those pictures are GORGEOUS!! They would both look so pretty hung together! Seriously beautiful :)
This reminds me I need to dump my impatiens and replace them with mums.
Great photos as always!!
Those pumpkins look sooo yum!! :D
Beautiful. I love the pumpkin candy!
The Mum photos would be gorgeous on the wall. They are spectacular.
When my oldest was in day care my husband had to do the drop off. So much easier on me and my son was quite happy for the morning time with Dad. I always LOVED the pick up job!!! So glad things are turning a corner. Fingers crossed it keeps up next week.
Those flowers are gorgeous! And sweet pumpkins, so fun!
sugary goodness....i'm a candy freak myself! Gorgeous photos....and thank you SO much for taking the time out of your busy day to e-mail me...got it...thanks!
I'm a follower...but not the creepy kind! lol
Lisa, I'm drooling looking at those pumpkin treats (and I don't even like sweets that aren't chocolate!).
Delighted you got the breakthrough with Reagan, sorry didn't have time to comment on last post (I was away on a school trip!)but did send some positive energy to you both.
Sounds like you could do with a break from the drop-off, and I guess it makes sense that you're the one Reagan has more difficulty separating from.
Have a nice weekend, and try not to worry, it will be all right soon.
WOOHOO! Sounds like things are looking up! Happy to hear it! And I'm selling my camera. That's it. I quit.
Seriously...LOVE these photos. I would so print that for the wall!
I love the orange mums too! And the pumpkins are cute. Thank you for sharing!
I just have to start by saying that I love your background music. It's so peaceful. I just want to leave it up while I surf blogs. Anyway, I found your linkup through someone else who links up to my weekly contest. Your photos are gorgeous. I will definitely be following you. If you would like, feel free to check out my weekly contest called Favorite Photo of the Week Looking forward to following you. :)
LOVE the pictures...oh and my husband ALWAYS took the kids to daycare never cried for him...for me they always cried..don't know why
What a relief that you are getting through the daycare tough times ok. Beautiful pictures, sweet and colorful!
The sugary pumpkins look yummy!!
Hoping Pat's the answer tomorrow!
Well, now, who'd have thunk? I know how she's attached to him at the hip too...just like Mommy. Sounds like a GREAT plan!!
I am absolutly in LOVE with these amazing images of the flowers and the candy......just stellar!
Can't wait to see you tomorrow....this is becoming a WELCOME habit like the old days....NYC here we come!
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