The girls marched in their very first Halloween Parade at daycare last Friday. They did not go to school that day, but we took them in just for the Halloween festivities. Sarah wanted to wear a little make up so she could be like a "real princess". so I gave her a little glitter and gloss.

To say that the event was a little overwhelming for Reagan would be an understatement They lined up all the kids by classroom. Here she was standing with all of her other classmates getting ready to head out. Just about 10 seconds after I took this photo, she burst into tears. There were people everywhere.... tons of kids all dressed up, teachers, parents, and grandparents. It was a lot for these little one to take in. More than half of them were in tears. While I stayed with Reagan trying to calm her down, Pat was towards the back of the line with Sarah and her classroom.

Once we made our way outdoors, Sarah was feeling secure with her friends and Pat came up to help me with Reagan. Minnie had a hard time keeping her ears on, so Daddy tried to put them back in place.

The only way she would walk was if one of us held her hand......since I wanted to get some photos of the event, Daddy took her by the hand and helped her make her way around the parade route.

Although the beautiful "Ariel" said she wanted to be with her friends and classmates, the look on her face said differently.

We eventually pulled back from the crowd....

and let both of the girls walk together with us and my parents! The girls were excited to see that Mimi and Coachie came out for the parade......and they even brought them a special Halloween treat. Of course that got a big smile out of both Minnie and Ariel.
It has been a rather strange weekend to say the least.
We were walking outdoors in sweaters and sweatshirts on Friday afternoon and woke up to snow on Saturday. A LOT OF SNOW! Our area got hit pretty hard and there are many people still without power. Schools are closed today and we are hoping that trick or treat will still happen tonight. We might need to bundle up in extra layers and trade in those light up princess shoes for snow boots, but we are game.....as long as it is safe and we can see where we are going. We are crossing our fingers and toes that all the power is restored because we have two very excited little girls on our hands.
Hope you all are safe and warm today.
Have a Happy Halloween!
I was thinking of you over the weekend when I heard about the snow! YIKES!
Minnie and Ariel, well what can I say, the cutest!
Happy Halloween!
What adorable pictures of the girls!
The weather has been crazy up by you and also down here. We've had non-stop rain for days now. I just walked into my garage and met water. :-( I had a feeling it was flooded. The last time it rained this hard the same thing happened. The pool is just about overflowing. I already drained some of it on Saturday. Hoping we are able to go out tonight too.
Stay safe!
The girls look adorable in their Halloween costumes!! Watching the news this morning, it's so sad to think of all the people without power - maybe until the end of the week it says. I just hope people stay warm!!
I hope the power restores and your Halloween festivities can go on tonight!
Stay warm!
Simply adorable. I do hope you get out ok. The snow has been really crazy out there this weekend. Crossing my fingers for you all.
Happy Halloween! The girls look so adorable!
Have fun, stay warm and get lots of candy! =)
Such adorable little Minnie Mouse and Ariel!!
Was hoping that storm would miss you! Halloween was actually cancelled by the Mayor here one year when we had a similiar storm. Yes, he was a one-term Mayor!
Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!!!
Oh these are so adorable! We just braved the cold this morning for Linhsey's first Halloween parade at school. Brrr! I love how Minnie is holding Ariel's chin in the last shot! SO SWEET.
So adorable your girls are!! Love how Minnie is touching Ariel's cheek! :)
ENJOY your princess & fairy tale days! Before you know it, they want to wear the ghoulish costumes! Miss Scaredy Cat Kiara even joined the ghouls this year!
The look on Sarah's face in the last photo when Reagan is touching her is priceless!
Happy Halloween to you guys! The girls look adorable! I hope the cold doesn't keep you in tonight. Love that picture of Pat with his girls!
Ariel and Minnie are simply adorable! Love the one of Pat with the girls and your mom with them too!!!
Hope your Halloween is fun despite the snow and cold, Lisa.
LOVE the pink cowboy bots on Ariel!!!! and Minnie is awful precious! Glad you got your power back! Have fun tonight!
Oh Lisa! Your girls are beautiful!! What adorable costumes!! I love how you capture so many of the missing details in your words. Your blog is a precious treasury of memories for sure!
Beautiful photos! Lovely story! Our Pip was also overwhelmed by the day and cried when she saw her first clown! She spent the rest of the afternoon in my arms!
Thanks for sharing your gorgeous girls.
The girls are tooooo cute..
they are growing up soooo fast.
Happy Halloween..
Hopefully, the snow melted today and everyone was able to enjoy a little trick or treating. Happy Halloween!
The girls look sooo cute all decked out in their Halloween costumes! I remember a few daycare events being a bit overwhelming too!
Hope you were able to trick or treat tonight. I wish I could send you some of our weather. It was 70 degrees today, which is completely crazy and very unusual. We usually freeze on Halloween!
The girls look darling. My sister (In Perkasie) is still without power. Hope y'all are doing well.
The girls look adorable!I get it all being a bit overwhelming! Glad Daddy was there for Reagan. Glad the power is back. Hpe you are enjoying some Halloween treats! Talk to you tomorrow:)
so adorable!!!!
Hope you got to go trick or treating. We had a big snowstorm in 97 and the Mayor postponed "Halloween" hopefully yours will do the same.
Awww...just about the cutest Minnie and Ariel EVER!
So, so, so, so....cute!!!!!
My girls wanted to be Super Heros with their brother's old costumes. lol
Dear Lisa, you have such a beautiful family, and you know it: it shows in every picture you take of them!
Hope the snow has been kind to you, keep warm and cosy!
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