Busy, busy, busy week here and I am just now beginning to get my head above water.
I went on a little getaway last weekend. Friday morning I got on a plane and flew to Texas to surprise my friend Marla. She had no idea I was coming and was completely shocked when I walked into her house at 3:15pm. We totally pulled a fast one on her. It was their 20th Wedding Anniversary, my bday, and a year since Marla and I were in China together, so we thought it would be fun to surprise her with a visit. Plus I finally got to meet all the J's. They are so super cute and I loved all the time I got to spend with them. They even made me cards before I left to come back home. One of these days, both complete families will get to meet. I know Pat would have had a wonderful time in Texas and my littles would have had a blast with the 4 J's as well.
The weekend was lots of fun, but it went by so quickly and neither of us took any photos. We were too busy trying to cram about a weeks worth of things into just three days. The Westbrook Family rolled out the red carpet for me. Marla and Derek did an awesome job of showing me all the things they love about life in Texas...... They certainly made me want to come back again. I really enjoyed the food(big surprise)..... and all those cowboy boots!!!! WOWZA, Marla took me to a few stores that sell boots and all kinds of fun apparel. Stay tuned..... you may see a little "Texas" made it's way back to PA.
I flew back home on Monday night and due to a delayed flight, didn't arrive until very early Tuesday Morning.
On very little sleep, I got up to spend some time with the family before I had to go to work, then I came home and had to teach class. I have had classes every night this week, so I have been burning the candle at both ends....again.
Luckily, I had a few photos that were in my backlog, or I would not have had anything to post....... because my camera is still in hiding.
This photo was taken 3 weeks ago today. It was Reagan's 4th week of speech therapy. Can I just say that I am totally amazed at the progress she has made. It's almost as if someone flipped a switch. She is copying and imitating everything we say. It may not come out clearly, but she is trying and she is talking.
My guess is that she had it in her for some time, she just needed a different approach to get her to start verbalizing. The method that Miss Kelly uses is definitely working.
Here are a few clips taken that day.
You will want to scroll down to my music player at the bottom of the blog and hit pause so that you can hear.
She has really come a long way and is progressing more and more each day,
Just in case anyone was wondering, we are doing much better with the daycare situation too. I have to imagine that the combo of daycare and speech therapy is attributing to her speech immersion. Being around so many other children has to make her want to talk more......and sing too! They learn lots of new songs at school. Both the girls are very happy and loving their new environment. It is great to come home from work and hear about all the fun things they are doing each day. Sarah talks so proudly about all that she is learning.
Today the daycare is having a Halloween Parade!!
Hopefully that camera will finally come out of hiding to capture our very own Minnie Mouse and Princess Ariel.
Happy Halloween Weekend Everyone~

oh this is so very sweet - my son had major speech issues when he was two and had ST (intense) for 1 yr - once the therapists gets the tongue and lips moving in the right direction - watch out!!
Great news! Happy Halloween!
Alyzabeth's Mommy
Lisa she is doing so good her little voice is so sweet...I love the excitement she has saying bubble! Warms my heart. Have a wonderful weekend and Halloween!
She is doing so great! Love that she is progressing so wonderfully.
Can't wait to see those Halloween costumes. Bri is going to be Pocahontas. :)
Glad you had fun in TX. I've always wanted to visit there!
So great to hear that all is going well on both fronts-daycare and speech therapy. It sounds like all is well in Reagan's little world again.
Can't wait for the pics.
Hmmm-- I don't think my comment worked, so will try again.
You have had a fun though busy week!
Love that cute little face of Reagan's.
Happy Boo Weekend!
wow, Lisa you must have some mighty energy! Can't wait to see Texas and Halloween from behind your lens. And your Reagan is so sweet. Those legs are adorable.
Oh, how happy you all must be! And what joy it must be for Reagan to be able to communicate more easily. We go to speech therpy with our youngest because of her cleft lip and palate. She loves it and has made so much progress this year.
Erika B
That sweet little voice is music to my ears. So happy she's doing so well and that the girls are enjoying daycare. Looking forward to seeing your pics of their parade.
Gail told me you were surprising Marla on Friday. Must have been hysterical to see her face. I'm sure you had a wonderful time relaxing over the weekend. We had a blast too. I'm hoping to post some pictures soon of our adventures.
Have a wonderful weekend Lisa!!!
So heart warming to see her progress! Can't wait to see the halloween pics.
Glad you got some time for yourself too! What a great idea to surprise Marla like that! I really like the picture you took of Reagan, I don't mind it being "an old one"... But I am curious to see the halloween pictures too! Great to read Reagan is happy to go to daycare now - and yeah for Sarah as well! That only leaves Nick, I hope he's coping with his representing the class and being in the "big school" now! Enjoy the weekend, I hope you get some rest!
Yay for Reagan! Love that sweet little voice :)
And YAY for trips to visit best friends - I am sure y'all had a BLAST!
What happy news for a happy day - hope you guys have a great weekend.
First time stopping by!! Just LOVE your pictures!! Thanks for hosting!! adding your button to my post now!!
So wonderful to hear that the switch has come on for Reagan! Early intervention is amazing!! She is absolutely adorable! Have a wonderful weekend too!
Lovely bright colours in your photo. That's great that the speech therapy is working so well and that she's able as you say to get the reinforcement from daycare. It certainly sounds like you've been busy, hoe nice to be able to have a quick getaway and surprise your friend.
No pictures...don't blame you one bit!! Having fun is more important sometimes ;) So, so happy that Reagan is excelling that much...she will be talking your ear off before you know it. I just love that picture of her and can't wait to see the halloween pics. Have a great weekend.
Oh my gosh, I LOVE her!!!!! Reagan has the most brilliant SMILE!! And when she said "Bubble" with that smile, I just about melted!!!
So glad to hear things are going well, Lisa! You all have been on my mind!
Love the first photo, glad to hear things are going so well :)
It's tough being a mom burning the candles at both ends....How fun to fly off for the weekend to be with someone so close to you. Glad to hear Reagan is making such nice progress.
Yay, she's such a smartie!! Soon she'll be talking so much you'll be wishing for ear plugs, LOL!
I can't even begin to thank you enough for coming down last weekend, what an awesome surprise! I'll never forget it as long as I live. Glad your busy week is done, hope you're having a glass of Pinot G right now and relaxing. Love you girlie!
Oh my goodness! Your adorable girl is doing fantastic! Love that cute little voice. I'm so happy to hear that she's making good progress with daycare, too!
Gin =)
Oh Lisa! Reagan is doing so well!! What a blessing to you to see how she's changed in such a short amount of time. Her little voice is just precious!
What a busy week you had!! Glad you had such fun in TX. Looking forward to seeing pics with cowboy boots. Have a feeling they're be on some little pre-school legs and lookin' super cute! (Heh...won't I be surprised if you treated yourself to boots! :o)
Have a wonderful weekend!
OH what I wouldn't have done to be a fly on the wall when Miss Marla saw you walk into her kitchen the other day!!! I am so glad you girls had time together in the Lone Star State this time!
The videos of Reagan made my night...she is growing so quickly and she is absolutely delicious!!! I'm so happy that she and Sarah are loving school...what a great move this all was after all.
As for you, my friend...you need to take some of the advice you always give me...SLOW DOWN and get some rest. We will all be here when you get here so take some time for yourself and the other 4 reasons you love life so much...PNSR!
That little voice is just as adorable as she is!!! I know you're absolutely thrilled with the progress she's making, Lisa.
Your Texas surprise visit sounds like a blast and have no doubt that Marla and Derek showed you an amazing time.
Wondering if you bought yourself a pair of authentic cowboy boots?
Hope you're having a wonderful weekend, can get some well deserved rest and spend time with your family! I think you're getting some snow maybe...yikes.
Praying the opening of the flood gates will bring a vocabulary explosion! Reagan's little voice is simply precious!!!
Love & Blessings,
P.S. This TX girl cannot wait to see what you brought back from your adventures in the Lone Star State!
She is adorable! What wonderful progress she is making. Thank you for sharing!
Yay Reagan!!! Love that little sweetie!
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