The girls decided they wanted to "help" me make brownies the other day.......
I am all for help in the kitchen, but I was a little concerned that the brownies they were so excited to eat, would not taste so good. So I offered them a deal that they could not refuse.

As soon as I was done making the brownies and had them baking in the oven, I would let them make their own "special dessert" using all of my ingredients and the big mixer.

They absolutely loved the idea! They measured, leveled, and mixed all on their own with no one telling them what to do. There were no rules and no recipes to follow.

One of the cooks in the kitchen thought the unsweetened Hershey's Cocoa Powder smelled good enough to eat, so she gave it a try!

YUCK, I don't think she will try that again!!
Poor thing was trying to scrub her tongue after she ate a big spoonful.
How could something that smelled so good, taste so bad?

My kitchen looked like a war zone by the time they were done.

There was sugar, flour, water, and cocoa powder covering every inch of counter, cabinet, and floor, but none of that mattered when I looked up to see that my girls that were overflowing with joy from the top of their heads..........

to the tips of their toes!!!
The girls got the best of both worlds......they got to eat good brownies and got to have great fun!
A special thanks to one of my best friends, Shelly, who gave the girls these adorable aprons!
She knew they would put them to good use with the holidays just around the corner.
There will be lots of baking in our kitchen this year.
The aprons were purchased at Flirty Aprons.
You can visit them by clicking HERE.
~Happy Weekend Everyone~

What a fun day for your girlies!! I remember getting to do that exact same thing at my grandma's house growing up. She was all about 'hands on' and letting us be creative. She even baked our 'treasures' and was brave enough to humor us and taste them, even when we were usually cringing!! LOL! Those are some very treasured memories now, just as these precious moments will be with your daughters. PRICELESS!
On another note, I find myself studying all of your photos now. I can't even visit your blog and 'look' at it the same. Only two weeks into your course, and I'm already looking at life through different lenses!! Thanks again for your sweet blessing... I appreciate it more than you know!
God bless! <><
How could something that smelled so good, taste so bad?
I have often wondered that very same thing when smelling cocoa. Just not right.
I LOVE your pics of the girls at work. What fabulous memories for all of you.
By the way, where's MY brownie??? :)
I LOVE this! Becoming a mom has made me let go of the neat freakness and just let my little girl be a little girl.
Awwwww! gorgeous!
these are pics to treasure, Lisa.
I'm afraid I'm a neat freak in the kitchen, and I regret it now, i should have let them run loose when they were smaller, instead of trying to control the mess.
To rectify, son and I are going on a bread/pizza making course in 2 weeks, just a Sat afternoon one , should be fun with no clean-up!
sweet shots!
What a fun, wonderful idea!! Love the idea of just letting your girls go and have fun! Some day when I'm feeling ummm...brave! I'll let Hannah try that. What a great idea!
Wonderful pics! I look at them totally differently now and think of the things you've taught us!
I just read about your magazine article below. Wow, that's amazing. Well not surprising. You are a wonderful, lovely, inspiring, family. YOU SHOULD BE MORE THAN PROUD!
And, these little bakers are the sweetest together.
how fun! I really love the last photo...:)
Awww. Such great shots.
Such great shots....you are an awesome mom!
I was never that awesome...always worried about the mess! I never let my daughter bake until she was a teen....now she bakes up a storm. I wish I worried less about the mess and more about the smiles!
What a fun time! And a great way for the girls to enjoy being chefs without having to necessarily eat their own concoctions. It reminds me of a Little Bear episode.
CUTE pictures! I love the aprons!!!
Precious little cooks! I LOVE LOVE LOVE those aprons!
You've got the cutest helpers ever! Can I borrow them sometime? :)
Tooooo CUTE..
Love it..
what a fun day and pics are so so cute:)
The 2 cutest little cooks in the kitchen...ever!!! You are a great momma for letting them do this, wonderful memory for you all.
Adorable pics as always, I love all the little details you captured. Reagan's hair is getting so long!
Have a great weekend, Lisa!!
How fun Lisa- that shot of Reagan with the cocoa powder just makes me giggle. I have seen that before- ahhh, the lessons they learn at that age.
What an adorable pair of chefs you have in your kitchen. I have to give you tons of credit. I'm too much of a freak to allow my kiddos free rein my kitchen.
Absolutely adore the one of Reagan trying to scrub her tongue. :-)
Hope you have a fabulous weekend Lisa. Mine is already booked solid!
In summer time this could be done outside so your kitchen stays clean. Celebrity chefs do it outside so it is cool you can tell it that way to girl if they wonder:)
I know they had a blast.
Have a nice weekend
So fun and really gorgeous photos!
Absolutely priceless! Love this idea Mommy!
I'm sure I'm the very first person to tell you this but you take such beautiful photos. Looking through these series of pictures of your girls cooking was so fun, you've captured the essence of their fun. Great aprons too, I'll have to check out that site.
such fun shots...and the Reagan...i'm with here..how cold something so yummy taste so bad! gorgeous photos Lisa. fun story.
you got a couple of adorable bakers there :)
PRECIOUS!!!!! We had a similar experience with Cinnamon at about the same age--a big teaspoon full right in the mouth---it was awful---I thought she was not going to be able to breathe--and we had to scrub the tongue too!!!!!
Did not get a chance to comment on your mag post--WOW!!!!! Impressive!!!! Love the article and the pictures!
What a fun series of photos! Adorable and what cute aprons too.
Cutest Kitchen Cooks ever!! Move over Paula Deen! You got competition!!! Love the way you are capturing "sweet memories" of your precious girls!! The aprons are adorable!!! I gotta add...Reagan's expression was hilarious!!!
I had to repost b/c google ate my earlier comment .__.
Happy Weekend!!
PS check your email
I did not receive an email from you. Are you sure you sent it to the right address? visionsbylisa@gmail.com
wonderful photos and adorable little helpers! i too am mesmerized by your photography and look at it all differently now as well - just 2 lessons have got me thinking all the time about settings and lighting. i'm hoping you'll have a segment on composition - shooting from your various angles...i love how each and every one of your photos tell a story!
I adore these!! You're one brave momma letting them take over, but what fun they had, I'm sure it was more than worth the mess.
Hope y'all are feeling better soon, love ya!
Oh my stars!
I can hardly stand the cuteness.
Sisters. Every girl needs one!
Fun, fun, FUN! So, cute those girls of yours. I love them in those pretty aprons. I hate to break it to you Mama, but Reagan is really starting to less and less like a toddler and more like the two year old that she'll soon be.
Gin =)
What an amazing experience for them and for you! Thank you for sharing!
Got your msg Lisa. Hope the email reaches you this time!
They are both super precious bakers and I love her expression after she realized that didn't taste like she thought it would:)
Wish I looked that cute in the kitchen!!! ha ha
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