This morning before the birthday girl woke up, I got up and set the table with Sarah's gifts and her special birthday cake! When anyone asks Sarah what her favorite color is, she replies "My favorite color is Pink, Purple, and Glitter". So we were sure to pick out a cake that was decked out in her "FAVORITE COLOR".
She was so excited when she saw it, but like any other child on their birthday, she was dying to rip into those gifts!
We are having a small party for her later today when we will actually dig into that cake, right now we are all drooling as we sit here staring at it:)

We were trying to decide what to buy Sarah for her birthday..... there are more than a few things on her Christmas list already, but she kept talking about this FurReal Walking Dog, so we decided that would be her big gift from Mommy and Daddy. She was SO EXCITED when she realized what was under that wrapping paper. What we didn't realize..... was that Reagan was going to be just as excited!! Just look at those faces. Could they be any happier than this?

While Pat and Nick wrestled with the box and all the plastic packaging that kept the dog in place, Sarah started to read her new Princess book that was sent by her "Fairy Godmother".
Thanks Aunt Ann!! Sarah loves her new book!!!

I thought the dog was sort of cute in the box, but OH MY.... this little pup is absolutely ADORABLE!!!

You remember those two happy faces when the dog appeared from under that wrapping paper??
There were quite a few tears shed this morning by our little spicy girl. She wanted that puppy and she wanted it all to herself. I think we are quickly approaching the "mine" stage.

Lucky for Reags, her sister was willing to share her new bday gift and gave her a turn!
Reagan's birthday is on Wednesday and we have her gifts already, but I am thinking I may need to put those away for Christmas and get her a puppy too! They would look so cute walking them side by side!
Okay, I am off to get things in order for the birthday celebration tonight.
Happy Birthday Sweet Sarah.
Welcome FIVE...... we have heard it is FUN and FABULOUS!

Stop by my friend Stefanie's blog for more Sunday Snapshots.
I love it that "glitter" is a color:) That made me smile!
That cake is totally AMAZING and Lottie has wanted that puppy too, it's pretty cute!
Happy Birthday sweet Sarah from the Byrd's Nest!!!!!!
P.S. Hugs to precious Reagan, Christmas is around the corner sweet baby!
So sweet! Love those smiling faces!
So adorable! Happy Birthday sweet Sarah. Five is so fabulous!
p.s. I agree with putting away the other gifts for Reagan and getting her a puppy too. They would look so cute walking their dogs together. :-)
So much cuteness all wrapped up in one post -- matching PJs, adorable cake, and walking puppy! What a fun way to start the day!
Kamree has been begging for this dog so I may have to copycat and get her one since it was such a big hit at your house!
I think Girly girl needs a puppy too!! They are soooooo cute! Happy Birthday, Sarah!
We love glitter here too!!
Love their cute little faces..
Have a great day..
Got to love a little girl who's favorite colors are pink, purple and glitter...so cute!!!
It sounds like a FurReal puppy is in store for Reagan. I had to laugh because Grace has the exact same puppy and was playing with it yesterday. It is adorable!!
Have a fun birthday celebration!!
That puppy is precious! And the girls' reactions? Priceless!
Happy Birthday, Sarah!
happy birthday to sarah!! i hope you have fun celebrating your girl today! lucy has that puppy on her christmas list too..so glad to know it is so much fun...and yes..you must get reagan her own!!
thank you again for an amazing class...I learned so much!!
Happy Birthday to your glitter girl! It looks like you all had the perfect morning. Enjoy your clelbration tonight. Boy that puppy is adorable. I think I know someone who would love that in our house... I just might have to add it to the Christmas list. Beautiful pictures Lisa! They sure show the true joy of a birthday!
Happy Birthday Sarah!! We have that perky little puppy too! I see a trip to TRU in your future! :) Happy Birthday to your littlest blessing too! Wow, Lisa, you certainly have your hands full!! Hugs to you...I miss you!
PS...the cake...oh the cake!
Loving the "color" glitter! I think that would be a fav in my house, too!
Hope you all have a magical princess day! Happy birthday, Sarah!
So precious Lisa. Absolutely adorable.
Happy birthday!!!!
Enjoy your special day!!!
that Sarah is such a sweetie! I hope she enjoys her party. And, that dog is so cute! Not to mention the little sister.
Have a wonderful day Lisa!
Amelia has a shirt that says, "my favorite color is glitter." I think Sarah needs one.
That cake is gorgeous, but I bet the smiles after the puppy came out were the best part of the day. Was that an up-do on Reagan? I can't wait to see the princesses in full garb.
Happy BIrthday Sarah!!! Enjoy being 5 and have fun walking your new puppy...what's your puppy's name?? Hope you enjoy your day and that beautiful cake!!
She looks positively tickled pink with her new puppy :) What fun!!
LOVE the cake, too! It's just gorgeous!!
Happy Birthday Sarah! Have fun walking Go-Go!
"Pink, purple and glitter" - I love it!! Happy Birthday to your sweet and beautiful girl!!!
Happy Birthday, Sarah! Yeah, a matching puppy MAY be a good idea. ;)
"pink, purple and glitter" ~ are you kidding me!?! How CUTE!! A girl after my own heart! :)
And I'm with you on switching out Reag's bday presents for a puppy of her own ~ I can't wait to see THOSE photos!! The look on her face when Sarah opened her puppy is PRICELESS! Can you say "EXCITED!?!" ;) ...cute, cute, cute!!!
Happy Birthday to BOTH of your girlies!! WOW, what a busy week you have. As if I wasn't already convinced, I now KNOW you are
Superwoman in disguise!!
Have a blessed week of fun celebrations!
How adorable Lisa! Happy birthday to Sarah!!! What a great age to be and what a nice sharer she is. Lisa, these pics are beyond darling and I can hardly believe how much Reagan's hair has grown and how grown up Sarah is getting. They are just adorable and happy early birthday to Reagan. how fun having their birthdays so close. Those are some amazing girls (and boy) you have. :)
A very happy birthday to Sarah!
As we wait (and wait) to be able to go to China and get our beautiful girl, I love to read about your girls. I thought Reagan and our sweetie were close in age-- well, ours turns to on Thursday-- just one day apart. No wonder pictures of Reagan help me get through the wait. :^)
Happy Birthday Sarah! I know you had a very special day! You are the BEST big sister ever!!
You have a whole year to be 5 so enjoy everyday!!
You are a BEAUTIFUL princess:)
God Bless,
Too fun Lisa- so happy to see she had a great Birthday!!!
What fun!! You definitely two of those walking pups!
Oh this puppy dog IS cute!! We got one last year for Christmas and she absolutely loves it!! We also have quite a battle when our grandson comes to visit. Bre says "This is a girl dog!! My 3yr old grandson could care less if the thing was wearing a skirt!! He just like the fact that it makes noise and walks!!! I'm gonna send you a few pics of our BIG DAY!!! So look for a email from me!!! :)
Oh yes.... you certainly need another dog. :)
Happy Birthday Sarah!!!
PS. Mia has been sitting beside me babbling on about all your photos. She loves looking at Reagan especially. Must be the similarity...
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