The girls were all warm and cozy enjoying a pj day when Sarah decided she wanted to dress up like a ballerina, so she headed for the box where we keep all of her dress up clothes. Reagan was right there with her looking for an outfit so she could be a ballerina too. Her leotard was a little big(it's Sarah's).... but it worked and as soon as both of our "prima ballerinas" were in costume, they headed straight for their favorite Nutcracker.
He is musical and they have been playing with him from the minute he was pulled out of the box:)

With Christmas just around the corner, the excitement level is at an all time high.
Last year was Reagan's first Christmas, but she was still a little shell shocked and not really sure what was going on. This year she gets it and she gets so very excited over the littlest things. It has been really special to watch the magic of this season unfold through the girls' eyes. I can only imagine what Christmas morning will be like when they come down the steps and see what is under the tree!!

We have lots of activities we want to do before Christmas. We are hoping to see Santa this weekend and also want to attempt making gingerbread houses. Sarah has been begging me to do this, so I think this weekend I will let them decorate until their heart's content.
While they are spreading frosting and placing candies on their GB Houses, I will be addressing Christmas Cards.
I have procrastinated long enough and now I need to get them done.
What will you be doing this weekend?

I love to view your photos of your girl s- they remind me so much of mine when they were that age - the little one gobbling up the older one (actions!)
love all your photos here as always:)
have a great weekend!
Beautiful photos! So much Christmas joy! I will be doing Christmas cards too, along with canning some favorite hot fudge sauce for gifts, our 2 year old grand's birthday party, getting ready to go out of town for my Children's Home Board meeting..... still have Christmas shopping to do and mail boxes! All fun! Have a great weekend! We want to see pictures of the gingerbread houses!
Alyzabeth's Mommy
They just keep getting sweeter....cards to answer your question:)
Love, love, love all your photos of your children! Please...where did you get the musical nutcracker??! My daughter has been obsessed with the nutcracker lately and it would make a great gift - thanks you!
Those pictures are so so cute! Amelia loves nutcrackers too...now I will be after one that plays music:)
Hi Joanne,
I am not exactly sure where we got that Nutcracker. We have had him for over five years..... my husband purchased him when he was out doing some holiday shopping. I will see if he remember where he came from:)
LOL, they crack me up. Love Reags' babylegs with her tutu. Hope y'all have a fun weekend!!
How can you NOT smile at the pure joy in children's faces at the holidays! It's like a hug wrapping itself around you!!
Beautiful as always! You can see how excited the girls are, what a fun Christmas they're going to have!!
Hope your Santa visit goes well. We may attempt that too, last year was the first time for us. Previously G and W were too afraid of him.
Grace and I may make a little trip to the Chicago area to finish up some Christmas shopping. I haven't even started my cards yet but hope to next week!
Your girls are in constant cuteness mode, aren't they? Absolutely adorable.
Love these photos of your sweet girls! Have a fun weekend!
Such sweet pics of your girls! Love the leg warmers on R. :-)
Sounds like you have a very busy weekend ahead. I'm actually going to try and capture our Christmas card photos. I've waited once again til the last minute. Hope my two will cooperate. Funny how everyone up north has too plan way ahead for their pics due to weather. Don't have that problem down here.
Hope you have a fabulous weekend Lisa!
You never fail to disappoint!! Truly precious pics of the girls in their tutu's!! Wait....is that LEGGINGS that Reagan has on!! TOO FUNNY!!!
We are in HIGH SPIRITS here! I finally found an ELF ON THE SHELF and the magic has begun! Oh my girl is SO excited.
We have a fun-filled weekend here as well. Bre is gonna have a "cousin get-together" to bake cookies, view Christmas lights and also visit a Live Nativity scene at a local church.
Wishing you and the family a WONDERFUL WEEKEND.
So sweet! and such a magical time of the year for children. The girls are precious Lisa!
The girls are so sweet together! Hope you are enjoying the holiday season!
We are going to attempt a gingerbread house this weekend too. :D
These are beautiful!
How cute Lisa- I can't wait to see all the wonderment with each experience this season.
So sweet! Love the excitement of Christmas!!
Gingerbread houses on tap for us too and finally decorating our tree! Cannot wait!!
LOVE these photos, Lisa ~ pure sweetness. I love the moments captured and the wonder in Reag's eyes!
Khloe was much the same as Reagan was last year. It was her first Christmas home as well, but was so much to take in. This year she TOTALLY "gets it" and it is absolutely FUN to watch, indeed!! :)
Awhh, my to-do list looks much the same as yours. Except I'm a step behind in needing to TAKE the Christmas card photo yet. I was gone most of the week for a funeral, and just returned home last night... so I'm hoping to capture that perfect photo with my newly acquired "out of auto" skills {thanks to a very special friend!!} and hope to capture just the right one!
Can't wait to see photos of your gingerbread houses!! Have a blessed weekend!
Hi Lisa, I love to look at your photos! Your girls look ever so excited about the Christmas season and I love your sparkling tree in the background! Have a wonderful weekend! tara
Just mailed out my cards this afternoon. Woo-hoo! I think this weekend will be spent trying to bring some semblance of order back to the house.
The girls look adorable.
Cute pictures! I love the giant nutcracker!
We are doing the same here this weekend -- santa and gingerbread house workshop. I can't wait!
I sent my cards yesterday so Crete Carrier should be arriving there soon! So glad they are done!
beautiful shots of the girls! i so look forward to seeing your posts and the amazing way you capture even the simplest of moments. love it!
i will be doing cards this weekend...and getting the boys ready for their piano recital...and more shopping for all the people i forgot to buy for. busy, busy, busy. but at least we're not on jury duty, right? :o)
How cute! I love the one of Reagan examining the nutcracker with the bokeh in the background, beautiful! Thank you for sharing!
It's wonderful to watch the magic unfold in these photos! I can feel the excitement of the two girls!
I will be playing music all weekend, one concert and one carol Service with a quick bit of practice in between to keep me up to speed!)
Enjoy your weekend, Lisa!
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