Meet our newest house guest, "Payton the Panda".....
and let me tell you, she has not been welcomed with open arms.

Payton is not your ordinary adorable panda, she is actually a Nebulizer in disguise.
And even though she is as cute as can be, Reags is not diggin' her new "furry" friend.
It has been nothing but illness after illness in this house since the girls started daycare in the Fall. Reagan has had a cough that has never really gone away, at times it seems to subside, but then it comes right back. On Sunday, I noticed that the cough was starting to sound different......and not in a good way.
First thing Monday morning, I packed her up and we headed straight for the pediatrician's office.
As soon as the doctor put the stethoscope on her back, I saw the concerned look on his face.
He listened carefully for more than a few minutes and then finally took it off and said that he did not like what he heard.
They ran a few tests to check her oxygen levels and they were not where they should be. So it was decided to start her on breathing treatments immediately. They agreed to let me take her home and administer the breathing treatments there as long as I promised to bring her back in a few days to be re-evaluated.
Reags needs 4-5 treatments a day and that in itself has not been an easy task.
She is scared of the machine..... She is fine when she sees the Panda and will even play with it as long as it is in the "off mode", but the second that motor goes on and the mist starts coming out, she starts to scream, cry, and carry on.
We have tried just about everything to get her to see that there is nothing to be scared of.
This morning before her real treatment, we let her play pretend with it.

Sarah has been such a big help and stepped right up to show her that there was nothing to wearing this mask on your face.

She agreed to give it a try..... as long as it was turned off and nothing was coming out....

but even then, when pretending, she preferred to be the nurse and not the patient.
It is going to be a long couple of days.....
Hoping we see some improvement in Reags by Friday, when we go back to visit the doctor.
He used two words when we were in his office Monday, one being "Pneumonia" and the other was "Asthma". Neither one of these words sounds good to me.......but oh man, if it is Asthma? Payton the Panda may be more than a house guest..... she may become a member of this family.
Thank goodness I have the world's best and most understanding boss.... I am basically home all week with her to try to get her over whatever it is that is causing her lungs distress.
I will update everyone after Friday's appointment. For now, we are just praying we get our girl's lungs back in good health, quickly and painlessly.