I know you all are going to think I have lost my mind when I tell you that I made a great sandwich about two weeks ago, and the star ingredient was an APRICOT!!! I'll admit, it does sound kind of strange, but you will have to trust me when I tell you, the sandwich was REALLY REALLY GOOD.....
in fact, it was FABULOUS!

I have very fond memories of picking apricots in my great grandfather's backyard with my cousins when we were young. We would sit on the hill and eat the freshly picked fruit until we were literally sick to our stomachs. Til this day, whenever I am in the produce department of the grocery store and see apricots, I always think of my Poppy and that big old tree. So on this particular shopping trip, I decided to fill a bag and put them in my cart.
As I was walking the aisles of the grocery store, I remembered a sandwich that was made by one of my favorite food network chefs. The recipe used grilled peaches, so I thought maybe I could substitute a few ingredients and come up with something very similar.

The first thing I did was slice the apricots and rub them with a little olive oil.....

then I grilled them on my panini press until they caramelized.

After they were done, I removed them from the press and started to put the sandwich together. I sliced my ciabatta bread then layered it with arugula, fontina cheese, the grilled apricots, and I made a quick pesto aioli(a couple tablespoons of light mayo with a teaspoon or two of pesto mixed in). Before I put the top piece of bread on, I gave it a pinch of kosher salt and some freshly ground pepper, then we were finally ready for the press.

After a few minutes, I had one rockin' sandwich ready to be eaten!!
The combination of flavors and textures were fantastic. The arugula is crisp and peppery, then you have the soft melty cheese that tastes a little salty paired with the sweetness that comes from those caramelized apricots. It is definitely a tasty and unique sandwich. I served it with tomato soup and it was the perfect winter meal. You will have to give it a try!
I have been in a soup and sandwich mode for the last few weeks....... and have become addicted to my panini press. I am coming up with all sorts of quick and easy things.
It's always fun to experiment in the kitchen:)
~Happy Weekend Everyone~

Even at 6:30 in the morning, that sandwich looks amazing! I love apricots. They remind me of my grand mother. She used to love sharing them with me when we would come up to NY for a visit. Funny how certain foods remind us of our family.
I received a panini press for Christmas and have yet to break it out of the box. I think this recipe is going to be the catalyst to finally giving it a try. I have trouble finding really good apricots. They always seem to be mealy inside. I bet grilling them beforehand will probably help with that.
Hope you have a fabulous weekend. Thank you for sharing these wonderful recipes.
Looks fabulous! Love the new do, too...Have a great weekend.
Oh yum. That looks so delicious!
It really does look and sound amazingly tasty!
Looks delish! Cory just made a chicken and cheese panini this week and it, too, was fabulous!
T.G.I.F. Hope you have a great weekend!
Oh yummmmmmm!!!! I must try those soon, guess I'd better get one of those presses! Love the pics, they made my mouth water!
Happy Friday!!
Gorgeous foodtography! :) Looks pretty tasty, too!
That sounds really yummy.. I have to try it. I am totally addicted to my panini press, always looking for good way to make panini. Thanks for sharing.
Yummy!! Love your description of the flavors of the panini. Definitely on my list of things to try.
That first apricot image is lovely, Lisa...
Happy Friday, have a wonderful weekend!
Yum, Yum, Yum, Lisa!! And might I add, FABULOUS texturing on the apricot photo, haha! ;D xoxo Brooke
THose look delishi! I am not an apricot fan at all but I think this would be yummy with figs too:)
These photos are amongst my very favorites. They are absolutely AMAZING!!!!!
Quick question as I might make the meatballs today...how many hours do you think they need to simmer to be fully cooked? I am trying to decide if I have time today or if I should wait til Sunday.
Have a blessed weekend.
It looks positively delish!!!!!! I'm thinking I need to make a trip to the store now :)
I love apricot jam and almond butter for a sandwich but this takes an apricot sandwich to a whole new level! Lovely, just lovely.
Mmmmm!!! This looks & sounds soooo yummy!!!
Have a GREAT weekend, Lisa!!
Oh wow....yummy....going to have to try that!
That looks and sounds fabulous!! I'm definitely going to give that a try! Yum!
That looks delicious! I love your photography, too!
I love peaches.....they are my favourite fruit! In my determination to "eat cleaner" and get fitter, I am eating a LOT of fruit and veg at the minute so "THANKS" for this Lisa. Im so pleased that you are posting "foody items" again :-)
Looks so good... you are so creative and clever in the kitchen! Have a wonderful weekend Lisa! ~ tara
Great idea!
OK - Seriously... YUM!!!!!
You could do a food spread in Bon apitit with those shots Lisa. What I wouldn't do to be able to a sandwich! This looks delishious.
Looks Yummy Lisa!! Love the new haircut!! Love Jules xxx
That sandwich sure looks so yummy!!
Looks so good!!!! I love soup and paninis!!!!
Gosh, does this sound yummy or what?!
That sounds deeelicious! Just pinned it!
Okay, now don't laugh but what is a panini press??? Sounds fattening to me. Apricots my favorite fruit in the world. I'm going to have to try this. You do Giada proud. (think that's how you spell her name). Anyway wonder if I can get away without that press thing!
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