Mom tiptoed up the steps with camera in hand.....

ready to capture whatever it was causing the incessant laughter coming from Sarah's room!

I watched my daughter and could almost feel the sheer bliss that was radiating from her as she bounced on her bed and flew through the air. It's always the simplest things that bring them so much joy.
As for the "sans clothes" look.....
Reagan is going through a phase of constantly taking off all of her clothes.
It is driving me bananas. Every time I turn around, she is undressed.
I redress her and she undresses again.
At first we found this quite humorous, but now we are starting to wonder if it is ever going to stop.
I joked with Pat the other night saying that she must be rebelling from all the layers they dressed her in when she lived in China.
What you can't see in this series of photos is Reagan who was sitting on the chair that is in front of the bed. So not only was Sarah up there....Reagan was too. Sarah usually will start yelling for me if Reags starts to undress.....
You know that old expression, "If you can't beat them, join them"?
I guess Sarah decided joining her sister "sans clothes" would be more fun than telling on her:))
LOL... life with these two girls is always an adventure!
~Happy Weekend Everyone~

Love the smile on her face! Sure BLISS! She's all legs all of a sudden isn't she?
Love listening to "Here" smiling at your photos today - one of my favorite Rascal Flatts songs - or as we call them at our house, "The Boys" I think I've seen them live 10 times...it's been SEVERAL years now - amazing how priorities change once our kids enter our lives...I don't want to miss a minute or a smile like the one you captured in these pictures:)
Happy Friday!
So great shot!!! And I love her room!!!!
Love the shots but also reminder about this shot - as a mother if my kids are jumping I'm forever rousing but as a kid I remember it as being so fun. Beautiful looking decor in your daughter's room by the way. Thanks for your time in hosting this link up.
We would have been yelled at for jumping on the bed! She's having too much fun!
Alyzabeth's Mommy
These are great Lisa! You really captured the joy of being a child.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
p.s. I'm sure I would have been the mom yelling to stop jumping on the bed. ;-)
Such lovely shot. You can almost feel the joy radiating from them. And about the unclothing: Don't worry and don't make a big deal out of it. This phase will pass. I promise.
What fun!!! Next time I have a feeling you will have two girls jumping on the bed!
Happy Friday and weekend!
Oh my goodness!! How fun!
Nothing better than a good jump on the bed...so sweet!
This photo captured exactly what it means to be a kid...and a happy one, too. Who doesn't have great memories of jumping on the bed? Love it!
Pure unadulterated joy at it's best!!! Oh to be a child again...
As for your little stripper, we have one too in our house, it's Will. It's a phase. Why the phase has to happen in the Winter I'm not sure!
Have a wonderful weekend!!
LOL, these crack me up every single time. I love the pure fun you captured here. Hope y'all have a fabulous weekend!!
These photos just make me soooooooooooo happy....I love seeing how your very first baby girl is growing like a week....before long, Mama, that little sweetie is going to pass you by....maybe THIRD GRADE, LOL! I love that the girls just play and play together and that the little girl inside their Mommy remembers exactly what its like to be a little girl again through them. Love you all......xoxoxo Dita
What a great catch!!! LOVE this memory captured to remember childhood forever!!! Blessings and love! XO
Oh My GOSH!! This is the CUTEST series of photos I have ever seen!!! And clothes? Perry agrees that they are TOTALLY overrated!! I hope he can learn some value in them before he hits Kindergarten! LOL! xoxo!!
Wow! That looks like so much fun! Funny, both my girls are out of their clothes sometime during the day... drives me crazy. It's ok when it's dress up but when they just walk around with nothing I go crazy! Have a happy weekend Lisa!
These shots make me smile! Thanks for posting! Love it!!
This is ADORABLE! Absolutely ADORABLE!
So cute Lisa- I love the sheer joy across her face! How did she not hear the shutter?? My kids have this sense & just know when the camera is pointed at them. I can never get those candid moments because when they know I am ready to snap- they turn their heads & give me a big cheesy grin. I actually have to tell them not to smile sometimes ;)
Now this is the way to end my workweek!! LOVE THESE SHOTS!! The photo just draws you in!! Love the "PEEKING IN" shot!!! You can almost here her laughter!!!
Love your FAVORITE PHOTO FRIDAY, I'm gonna have to figure out this link one day and share some pics!! I would so love to FIND the picture of Bre and our schnauzer Paris and the aftermath of finding a pack of bubblegum!!
We seriously could create our own storybook. "IF YOU GIVE A SCHNAUZER BUBBLEGUM".
I mean seriously, if you can picture a schnauzer BEARDED mouth mingled with gooey, sticky bubblegum it is NOT GOOD!!
Longstory short..
SAID schnauzer now HATES any and all groomers.
Said schnauzer to this day has her own personal groomer (yep me).
Said schnauzer still has a LOVE for bubblegum and ALL things sweet.
Said GROOMER detest grooming time, it takes all but 2hours to get an unwilling schnauzer to cooperate.
Hmmmm maybe I should give her gum while I groom her....nahhhh that just starts the story ALL over again!!
Happy 3day weekend EVERYONE!!!
This has got to be the cutest thing ever Lisa! Such a fabulous moment captured! You can totally see the joy radiating from her. :)
What joy you captured! Love these ;)
"hear"...not "here"! HOMONYM error!! My HS English teacher would (not wood) have my head for that error!! :)
This may quite possibly be one of my favorite posts ever!! ;) I love the sheer joy and "FREEDOM" these photos exhume! I can almost audibly hear those giggles myself!!! :)
CUTE! So glad she is feeling better!!
Oh, this is downright hilarious!
can't blame a girl for having fun and another for wanting to strip and letting stuff flap in the wind... lol...
lol...simply adorable! :) what beautiful lighting, too. :)
I LOVE these photos ... they are bursting with joy!!
Pure Joy....doing what every kid loves to do!!!!
Hilarious and so sweet!
AMAZING!!! Lisa as always, Love your words, your honesty, your pictures. I thank you for letting us glimpse into who you are and your journey. It has made me pause and think. I have decided to make a few changes myself. Thanks for all you do..
Doesn't it just make you want to join in...to be a child again
She looks like she's having a blast!
Oh my goodness... these are PRICELESS :)
I love everything about these photos! Truly priceless to have just joyful bliss captured on film. All of a sudden I want to jump on the bed!
Love & Blessings,
These pictures are a hoot! I especially love her hair! So funny! I think you have a model on your hands -- look at her long and skinny legs!
Hope you have a great weekend! We are off to the indoor waterpark in Omaha today! It's a Christmas gift from the grandparents!
LOVE the beautiful lighting in these photos (so soft and dreamy) and the beautiful smiles of sweet Sarah. My favorite is the last photo where she is "landing" and her hair is straight up. You truly captured Sarah's pure innocence in these photo's. You are the BEST at telling us stories in your photo's, no words are needed.
It was so nice "catching up" yesterday.
Have a GREAT weekend! Tell Nick we all said Happy Birthday and I'm hoping you can get a few pic's of your "handsome man", we miss seeing him:)
God Bless,
those are some wonderfully fun shots.
this seems to be another cool meme!
would love my blog to join next week..
Also- I tagged you in a fun little get to know you better linky post. Play along if you have time and would like to! xoxo! :)
I just can't help but smiling with her when I look at these photos. Look at how much fun she's having!! Great catch, Lisa. And I love the lighting in these shots.
Gin =)
I just can't help but smiling with her when I look at these photos. Look at how much fun she's having!! Great catch, Lisa. And I love the lighting in these shots.
Gin =)
Oh Lisa!!! These are such wonderful and precious moments you have captured:) You know....Lottie (now 7) used to NEVER keep her clothes on AND to make matters worse, if it was summer and we were at a park with friends the girl could strip down to nothing in a flat second, whip that diaper off and squat down and pee pee right there in the middle of the park. Oh dear, this went on for several years! Even at the age of 3 we kept having trouble with her stripping naked. But the good news is....something happened when she turned 4 and now she is the most modest little girl EVER! She gets terribly upset now if anyone except me or Emma comes in her room while she is dressing:) There is hope my friend!!!!!!!!
haha - I have a "Maked" daughter too - she's 8 and still undresses - in fact - right now she is running around in her panties! It's 12 degrees out side and she's hot! Got figure!
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