The local gymnastics training center held an "open gym" for ages 1 through 7 last weekend so I decided to take the girls to see if they might want to give it a try. This is the same gymnastics center that I attended when I was 6. They have been around for a LONG TIME and over the years they have produced some really amazing athletes..... a handful even went on to become part of the US Olympic Team.
As soon as we entered the gym, the girls became eager to break free and run about.
Luckily, Nick agreed to spend a few hours helping me with the girls because I really needed his extra set of hands. Reagan and Sarah each had their own agenda from the moment they stepped foot on the floor and there was no way I could have kept up with the two of them by myself.

Reagan really enjoyed the balance beam..... we started her out floor level and then worked our way up to the one that was a few feet off the ground.

Sarah had no fear whatsoever. She was game to try anything and everything. I have never seen her like this. When she reached the front of the line for the uneven bars, I half expected her to say she was afraid and she didn't want to try it, but she listened intently as the coach told her what to do and she went for it......each and every time.

The place was PACKED.... there were kids and adults everywhere, but it did not seem to bother either one of the girls. They were having a blast tumbling around on the mats.....

and working their way across the monkey bars.

After Sunday's little expedition, I can say without a doubt, that both of girls would really enjoy doing this on a regular basis.
The next semester of classes is about to begin and guess who will be sportin cute little leotards each Saturday morning for the next 12 weeks?
They can barely wait.... and I have to admit, I am kind of pumped too!
Speaking of classes, I have to run. I finished work early today and I am headed out to pick up Nick and take him to the High School he will be attending next year. We are registering him and selecting his courses for Freshman Year. Exciting times for everyone in this house!!!
Will update later. Enjoy the rest of your Tuesday!