Yesterday the girls and I went to visit Enzo, our stylist!
This was only the third time Reagan has been there and it was the first time he actually had the girls wash her hair before the cut. Usually he just uses the spray bottle and quickly trims. She was a little bewildered at first, but she was all smiles by the time she was done at the shampoo bowl.

Sarah is a pro when it comes to standing still for "Uncle Enzo"...(any Seinfeld fans out there?)
She told me she wants to grow her hair long again so she just got the tiniest trim to even it all out and clean up the back.

I was not sure what I wanted to do with Reagan's hair..... I do love those pigtails, and was trying to let her hair grow long, but it is so thin and unruly. I couldn't help it... I wanted to make our morning routine easier, so I told him to give her a chin length bob but crop the back and make it a little longer in the front...and no bangs. We have been growing them out for a long time and they are just about the length that we can tuck them behind her ears.
Unlike Sarah, she does not quite have the hang of standing still and by the end of the cut, it looked more like a wrestling match.

Sarah was super excited to see herself after new cut and blow out. She looked at me and said, "Mommy, I look like the old me again".

They had to give Reags the hand-mirror so she could watch as they attempted to blow dry her hair. She is not a fan of having her hair blown out, but it sure does look shiny and beautiful after it is done.

The girls "striking a pose"(in Sarah's case a very serious pose) to flash Mom their new "dos" before we walked out of the salon.

Someone is definitely feeling Sassy with her new short hair!!!
I have never seen her work it like this before when I pulled out my camera.
We had a fun day together and enjoyed the pampering while it lasted.
Today we are headed to church and then later this afternoon there is an "open gym" at the local gymnastics training facility. I thought the girls would love to flip around for a few hours:)
Enjoy your Sunday Everyone!
To see more Sunday Snapshots, head on over to my friend Stefanie's blog

Just look at these two GORGEOUS "Fashionestas" ROCK Enzo's House! So stink'in cute!!
Looks like you and the girls are having a great weekend!
Enjoy your Sunday:)
God Bless,
O my gosh both their hair is TOO CUTE!!!!
Oh my -- they both look so adorable! Love their new do's!!
Happy Sunday to you!
Both look so pretty!
Love the new do's. Your girls always rock it!
Amelia had that same haircut at Reagan's age and I remember the SASSY spunk that came out after the haircuts:)
Sarah is looking beautiful as always and more like a Kindergartener every day.
I promise Reagan's hair will get thicker, I can tell already it's thicker than Amelia's hair at that age - and Amelia's comes in more beautiful after every trim...what a fun afternoon;) Have fun at gymnastics. If Reagan is as much like Amelia as I think she is, the trampoline and the bars will be her favorite:)
Im so impressed that Reagan allowed her hair to be washed at the bowl, leaning back like a big girl! My Gracie would never have allowed it, LOL :)
Well done Reagan!!!
I love their new styles.....
They look adorable!
Happy Sunday to you all! =)
So, where's a picture of the beautiful mama to go with her gorgeous little girls?
They are gorgeous! And both look sooo grown -up with their new hairdos.
I think you definitely made the right choice with Reagan, it suits her so well. And Sarah looks very sophisticated; she has such a beautiful shaped face.
Wish we had an Enzo here!
Double dose of adorable!
Both girls are so cute with the new cuts! Love the attitude in the last pictures, so cute!
It's a great feeling to feel a little sassy after a good haircut! Reagan is definitely feeling it!! Her new cut is adorable!
BEAUTIFUL!!! Isn't it amazing how a haircut can make the hair look longer?!? Reagan looks soo grown up with her new "long" short hair! ;) And Sarah? Well, she is as gorgeous as ever! :)
"Enzo"...LOL! I thought "Seinfeld" as soon as I saw the name in your post! ;)
Love those cuts, the poses, the pictures! Looks like a super fun day mommy and her girls! Hope you enjoyed the flipping around the next day... tara
Love those new dews! Sarah and Reagan sure seemed to enjoy a day at the spa with Mommy! How cute these girls are. Can't wait till our girl is back home:))
Enjoy the weekend Lisa.
Too adorable Lisa!!!!!! How fun for them!
They are precious! I've always thought this cut was especially cute on Sarah, and Reagan looks adorable as always.
Love their new haircuts. And Reagan's sassiness.
Madeline has been sassy in her poses lately, too.
Love the hairdos! Too cute.
Goodness, those girlies have it GOIN' ON!!
Love their new spring cuts :)
Saw/commented on the pre-cut pic on fb but just saw the end result of Reagan's haircut!! Oh my cuteness...love LADY REAGAN with her new-do. As always...Sarah ALWAYS rock the new do's. I have YET to take Bre to get her's done. I'm so not ready for it! We are sticking to ponytails for at least another 2-3yrs! Ha!!!
Sweet and sassy new cuts. Adorable!!
Little Miss Hannah has baby fine hair too. Hoping it thickens up even a little.
Your girls are so sweet and it's fun to see their before and after pics!
So cute...what a fun day!
So cute ~ we just took my granddaughter for her first haircut and she did great.
Lovely haircuts!! They look stunning!!
Love Jules
Pretty pretty girls with their new 'dos! Love Reags' attitude!! Haha!!
Oh my goodness, Reagan is killing me with that little 'tude. The girls look so cute!
Gin =)
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