Friday night was the 8th Grade Valentine's Day Dance.

Nick has been talking about this dance since early January..... which was about the time we started shopping for the perfect outfit for such an occasion. The school requires them to get dressed up with button down shirt and tie....no jeans.

Some of you may remember when he went to last year's dance.
He actually wore Coachie's(my Dad)suit and a beautiful red tie!

Well, there was not going to be any shopping in Coachie's closet this time around....
Nick has grown a lot this past year and he is now towering over his grandfather.

I think my Dad was a little disappointed. He loved telling everyone that his Grandson wore his suit last year. My Dad is pretty snazzy when it comes to clothes. Seriously, he might be one of the best dressed men I know. My Mom's shopping habits have definitely rubbed off over the years and now that he is fully retired, he actually enjoys going with her to see what they can find.

The week before Nick's birthday, my parents decided to meet us at our favorite mall so that we could look for something.

It did not take him long to decide what he wanted.... This kid was on a mission and he found the shirt, pants, tie, and hat at the very first store we walked into.

And thanks to his grandparents, who tend to spoil him a little, he got the outfit in its entirety.

I wish you all could have seen him that day as he made his way through the racks at Banana Republic. My Mom and I were exchanging sideways glances as we watched him navigate. It was a special afternoon for all of us and I know that my parents were grateful to be part of it.

When he got dressed Friday, I could hardly believe my eyes.
There in front of me stood a very stylish and handsome young man.
I would have done anything to see what went on inside the school Friday night.
When the permission slip came home, it said they needed chaperones and I wanted to check the box to say that I would be willing to do it. Nick begged me not to.... I think he was afraid I would have my camera a blazing.... so I respected his wishes. When we were on our way, I asked him if he was going to ask any certain girl to dance. Sort of prodding to see if there was anyone that he was interested in. He said, no Mom, there is no one that I really like this year.
(said in true teenager fashion complete with eyeroll)
A few hours later, I returned to pick him up and I received what I am sure was the "cliffnotes" version of the night. But I did get the most important detail.....
There is a girl... and her name is Erin!
I knew there had to be someone!!
He and his friends had a great time and they are already talking about the graduation dance that takes place at the end of the school year. I guess we better start shopping now.
I hope Grandma and Coachie are up for another retail adventure:)
To see more Sunday Snapshots, head on over to my friend Stefanie's blog and while you are there, be sure to congratulate her on their newest addition to the family. She is BEAUTIFUL!!!!

Handsome as ever! Does he read your blog? Gene checks on mine and helps out with it sometimes so I could never make a post about him like that! lol
wow--so handsome!!
Very handsome!! Have you done any charming pics of Coachie and Nick together all dressed up?
So handsome and grown up!!
He is looks amazing. And, I love the fact that he would humor all three of you on his shopping expedition. He sounds like a really lovely young man.
OMG Lisa, he is so handsome. Still has that soft and kindness in his eyes. You have done a wonderful job with him. He is a wonderful young man now.
He is so stylish and handsome. Is he a model? He could be! awesome photos, as always!
Lookin' good Nick!
Great images of your handsome 8th grader!! Stylish and handsome, indeed!! Lucky Erin!!
And how fun that you made this a shopping excursion you could enjoy with your mom and dad, too.
Have a great week!!
Handsome and stylin'! He has such beautiful eyes...
So sweet that there's a girl, somehow I'm not surprised at all! ;)
Have a great Sunday!
xoxoxo Gail
Woman, is it to late to get in on your classes? These are great!
Oh I hope Erin doesn't read your blog;). These are awesome. Nick has grown up so much in the las couple of years, I have a nephew in 7th grade and it was like one day he woke up and suddenly didn't look like a kid anymore. They grow do fast, but especially in middle school!
He looks so dapper! I Love that he let you take all those photos!! Glad to hear he had a great time
What a handsome young man! Love his style, I am sure he has the eye of a couple young ladies :)
Oh Lisa, how handsome your son is and how wonderful to share in his special times with your parents. It doesn't surprise me at all that he likes speding time with you, shopping, and such. Luckily he let you do a photoshoot with him (even if you couldn't be at the dance with your camera) :)
Happy weekend Lisa,
Maaaaaaaaan.....OOOOOOO.....Maaaaaan!!!!! Nick needs to head to Hollywood!!! He would make millions starring in the movies!!! What a BEAUTIFUL FACE:) He would definately give Leo, George and Brad some competition!
His clothes ROCK! Especially the hat, the leather jacket and the SHADES!!!! So cool how I can see you perfectly in the len's of his shades. Yep, you did it again, your photos are AHHHHHHH-MAAAAAA-ZING!!!
Sounds like he had an awesome time. Brings back so many memories... my school dances will forever be some of the best times of my school years:)
Enjoy your Sunday.
Love ya,
Such great pictures, as always!
I have 2 handsome young men for you to photograph :)
Hope you are well. Let's talk soon.
So handsome and I know you are so proud of him!!! XO
FANTASTIC pictures Lisa!!! Love how you captured these moments...my favorite is the one of him against the metal background...his eyes really pop in this one and his handsome face...well it speaks for itself!! You have such a beautiful family. You should be one proud mama! Enjoy your Sunday:) xoxoxo
Ohh... you changed up your music and the Green Day song was so fitting to hear while reading the post about the junior high dance. This song came out when I was in junior high and it took me right back there to the times of first loves and the fact that there was, at least in my case, "a guy". I'm so excited for Nick and what a handsome man he is growing into. I hope he is enjoying this time in his life.
Very nice photos!
Well, if you'd ask me: of course your parents are all set to go shopping again soon! And everything else has already been said: about how beautiful your son is, about you being lucky to be able to do a photo shoot and about us hoping none of his friends read your blog...
Have a good week with your beautiful family! And don't forget to enjoy your Valentine's Day!
Noooo! tell me it's not so, he can't have grown that much!
Lisa, you have such a handsome boy on your hands there, and those eyelashes, oh wow!
Lol re the teenage eyeroll, I'm well familiar with that one!
What a good looking son you have Lisa! D
He looks so handsome and SO grown up. Will's Valentine's Dance was Friday night too but he opted not to go:(
What a handsome young man he has grown up to be!! ~ seriously, when did he suddenly just grow up!?! He has such amazing eyes!
Sounds like a very special day shopping with your parents and son ~ great mile-stone memories that you will treasure always!
...had to laugh a little at the 'eye-roll' though ~ with TWO teenagers in the house, I know it well!! ;)
Have a blessed week! <><
Just WOW!!! Your son is such a great sport. My boys would never have picked such a styling outfit and they NEVER would have posed for a photo shoot. Just WOW!!! Have a great weekend.
PS: Had to laugh about the chaperone part:)
These are gorgeous photos. It would make me cry to see my son so grown up.
Oh my goodness, is he handsome! His style takes after you. All of your kids look like they stepped off the pages of magazines. I am always so impressed!
Love, love, love these new pictures of Nick! He is such a handsome guy and he looks sooo grown up! So glad he had a great time!
Heartbreaker, indeed!!
LOVE these shots, what fun to see him growing up into such a handsome, and stylish, young man :)
That is one handsome dude right there, the outfit is perfection, right down to the aviators. Glad he had a great time and a girl, huh? Erin's a lucky one. :)
Your son was definitely stylin'!!!
Glad he had a great time at the dance.
Happy sunday.
So very handsome! And of course, absolutely amazing photos!
WOW! He is growing up so fast! He looks very handsome and I am glad he had a great time!
You captured this special night perfectly Lisa!!!! He is soooo handsome!!! And, I love how confidant he is! He has a beautiful role model!!!!
I love these Lisa. How proud you must be of him:)
Oh my, he looks quite dashing! I can't believe he is not beating girls off with a stick-LOL He really has beautiful eyes and a great smile but I am sure nothing compares to his heart!
How proud you must be to see your boy growing into such a fine & handsome young man!!
So handsome and stylish! A heartbreaker indeed.
I love seeing you reflected back in his shades.
What a handsome young man he is! I'm sure he will be breaking a lot of hearts if he hasn't already. :)
He is very handsome! Love the whole look. My thought was he's probably going to freak out on you for publishing that name. :)
Nothing like a SHARP-DRESSED Man!! Nick you are a heart-stopper! A flair for fashion w/looks that are dashing!!
Erin should have been the envy of every girl there!!!
Lisa the perspective, angles, processing, and ultra cool urban feel are awesome! Nick is so handsome and grown up!
Oh my goodness- I remember the one last year. He's growing up so quickly & becoming quite the young man. How are we the mothers of 14 year olds??? What great moments for him Lisa- I really love that shot of him where you are looking up at him.
Oh doesn't he look fantastic!! Great photos.
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