"Life is not measured by the breaths you take but by the moments that take your breath away."
~Author Unknown~
And this moment, definitely left me breathless!!
Reagan is really losing her baby face. She is looking more and more like a big girl each day.....which makes this mama quite sad.
My girl is growing up way too fast....

I agree - and in her photos she does look so much more confident!
Yes - this growing up of our kids is way too bittersweet as far as I'm concerned. Thanks for your beautiful photos.
Your daughters are so pretty. Yes they do grow so fast, I keep catching my breath looking at mine and they are 22 and 18...
Have a great weekend. :)
She really is getting so big. I feel the same way about Liam. He's turning 5 tomorrow. How in the world could that be happening?
Hope you have a fabulous weekend! It was great catching up with you the other day.
Seeing our "babies" grow up so fast, brings tears to my eyes:(
Reagan is soooo beautiful!
LOVE the "new do" on your Blog:)
Hoping to join in on all the Favorite Photo Friday FUN later today!
God Bless,
wow, you are right! But then again, look at those chunky baby hands!!! So sweet.
It does go by so very fast. June will be 5 on Monday. Love the new look:)
It makes Aunt Marla sad too, that tiny baby girl we met in China is being replaced by a big beautiful toddler! Love this precious shot of her.
Happy weekend, friend!!
She IS growing up! It's such a bitter pill to swallow sometimes, as they suddenly seem, well... BIG! She is still such a tiny thing though, SO many wonderful things ahead to enjoy :)
Happy Friday, my friend! Hope you have a GREAT weekend!
P.S. LOVE the bloggy re-do! Gorgeous!!
Time does fly by doesn't it? It is bittersweet in so many ways, but toddlers are awfully fun! Reagan just gets prettier and prettier.
Have a great weekend, Lisa!
Love it. Gorgeous shot.
Such a cutie!!
Happy weekend!!
Oh my Lisa- I have been noticing that with each visit. Her hair is getting long & her face more mature. It's happening too quickly.
I was just thinking the same thing about my munchkin- I looked at the photos of them their first year of dance & she is now that age that my older daughter was at that time. Looking back- I can't believe how much they have matured in such a short time. Breaks my heart a bit.
She is so cute! Thank you for sharing the adorable pic!
I really noticed it when you had her hair cut! Her BIG GIRL features are really evident. She is such a beauty!
breathless for sure Lisa!
She's georgeous! And happy! And all yours forever!
Great hat! Love the pictures!
sweetheart as usual, your new class looks fun!
It's bittersweet isn't it? Your cutie pie does seem have a little more sass and confidence showing through in her photos. Funny how you can take a photograph of your child one day, and mere days later you take another and you can see big changes.
Gin =)
What a lovely photograph! She is a beauty. Thank you for sharing!
Oh Lisa, I hear ya'!! Pingping and we have been together for 2 years now. Where does the time go??? And she's growing up more and more all the time. And she makes me so proud, but I swear it's like a little death, knowing I can never go back to the previous moment when she looked a little younger and had a slightly different personality.
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