We had company again this weekend and they headed out bright and early this morning. As we walked them to the car to say goodbye, I noticed how GORGEOUS the early morning light was reflecting on everything around me. Their car was no sooner out of our driveway and I was already in the closet grabbing my camera bag.
I thought I would share some of the beauty that surrounds us.

This field is up the street from our house and the sea of wheat grass(I think that is what it is) looked so pretty blowing in the wind.

This little patch on the side of the road caught my attention because of the beautiful backlighting!

Around the corner the grapes are beginning to grow. Eventually they will be turned into wine:)

We live in an area that is surrounded by farms and lots of cornfields.

Right now the corn is sprouting up everywhere....

Including the farm that is just behind our house.
Actually, this is the first photo I took this morning right in our own backyard.
With all the rain we have had, it is growing rather quickly this season!

Once I got close enough, I realized that there were actually little water droplets on all the stalks that made for a few more interesting shots.

It's rare that I have my camera in hand so early in the morning, but after today, I am thinking I might have to do it more often.
Happy Sunday Everyone!
Feel free to ask any questions if you have them. I am always happy to answer.
Shot with a Canon 5d Markiii
The close up shots of the cornstalks were taken with 100mm Macro and everything else was taken with a 70-200mm. Settings varied from shot to shot. The only thing constant was my ISO that remained at 100.

Make sure you stop by to say hello to my friend Stef and check out more fantastic Sunday Snapshots.
Seriously gorgeous! I am so impressed that not only did you capture these this morning but you processed them so fast & posted them. Wonder Woman for sure!!! Love them all- it's so pretty where you are.
These are beautiful Lisa. Can't imagine walking out the door and seeing all that you captured everyday. I LOVE the grape vines. Takes me back to when we stayed at a lovely B&B in Sonoma, Cali. Oh how I wish we could go back for another visit. :-)
Beautiful morning light. Gorgeous images. What a place to wake up to each day.
Absolutely gorgeous! I love the rural scenery.
Absolutely beautiful!
So full of inspiration Lisa. How do you do it? I'm sure you hear this all the time...but I will say it again...You have a very special "gift" my friend!
God Bless,
Everyone is incredible Lisa, love the lines in the grapevine and corn images. Looks very much like where we live too!
Hope you had a great weekend!
Absolutely stunning photos!!
Wow...love looking at your home surroundings...takes me away to a peaceful place...soooo different from mine ;)
Spectacular photos! You certainly captured the beautiful morning light!
Lisa....gorgeous morning light and you captured it perfectly. So soft and dreamy. What fabulous spots to photograph.
Glad you got some moments to take in the beauty this morning.
Have a great week!
Love these pictures! Hope you had a great weekend!
Wow! These shots are seriously georgous! I think the last one is my favorite.
Gin =)
These are so beautiful! Love the variety of what you took and all the different levels of details!!
Basically love it all:) Teri
Oh I love these "NATURE SHOTS"! Those "dewdrops" on that leaf just had me enamored!! You are so talented!!
I just followed your blog today. Your photography is very inspiring. Just love the vineyards you captured. Had a lovely vacation in Napa and Sonoma last year.
Laurie @ Prideinphotos
I can see why you ran for that camera... these are gorgeous! Like you, I see so much beauty around me almost daily that I want to remember - you did it beautifully :)
These are so beautiful Lisa. Really gorgeous. You have such a knack for seeing things from a certain perspective and capturing it that way. It is truly a gift/talent that I do not see that often. yes, lots of people are taking pretty photos with great equipment and good photoshop edits. But you see things in way that is unique and beautiful and you capture it. It is art.
I so wish I had that.
I LOVE the small town carnival photos.. I could look at them for hours.
I need to grab my camera more and capture the beauty around us.
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