"Only an Aunt can give hugs like a mother,
can keep secrets like a sister,and share love like a friend."
~Author Unknown~
This weekend Pat's sister came to visit and Sarah just adores her..actually we all do! She has a heart of gold and the patience of a saint. She knows that from the moment she walks in the door, Sarah is going to be attached at her hip...literally. Sarah was counting the hours until she arrived and had their entire evening planned out.
We had some friends over for dinner and once everyone left and we got everything cleaned up, Sarah sequestered Aunt Mary Pat up in her bedroom playing games, reading books, and putting together puzzles. It was starting to get late, so next on the list was movies in bed with their "royal" friends!
I was the last one awake Friday night and after I locked up the house and climbed up the stairs, I popped in to say goodnight to Sarah and Mary Pat. It was around 11:30pm and it was pitch black in her room. The only light was coming from the television and they looked SO CUTE.
The old me would have never attempted to take this photo because of the extreme low light conditions, but the new me decided to go for it anyway. I dashed down the steps to my office and grabbed my camera to capture this tender moment between Sarah and her Aunt.
Photography is a journey and in my opinion, in order to grow, you have to be willing try new things and step out of the box and out of your own comfort zone every once in a while.
I was so glad I did... I absolutely love this photo. Some may view it as just a "Snapshot", but I see so much more when I look at it. I see a photo filled with love and emotion. A very sweet and unforgettable moment between a loving Aunt and her niece.
Aunt Mary Pat left this morning, but it is safe to say that she will be getting a little gift in the mail very soon:)
Shot with a Canon 5d Markiii
50mm f1.2 Lens
Aperture: f1.2
Shutter Speed: 1/100th
ISO: 10,000
Very little was done to this photo in terms of processing.
I used Florabella's Clean Black and White to convert it and then I added just a touch of her Milk Haze to soften it a bit.

Make sure you stop by and say hello to my friend Stefanie and check out some more fabulous Sunday Snapshots.
gorgeous shot. With a 50mm 1.2 and an ISO that goes to 10,000 I scratch my head why you would NOT consider taking low light photos? Brilliant job.
Thanks so much!! I will certainly begin taking more photos in low light conditions. It is just something I have always stayed away from....
Seriously. The picture is stunning. LOVE the moment you captured, it conveys everything you shared in your words, without even needing words...
But I cannot believe this shot was taken in an almost dark room with an ISO of 10000? Mind boggling. Keep up with those night shots, lady... I am drooling over that new camera of yours :)
Happy Sunday, sweet friend!
FABULOUS image, Lisa!! wow! An ISO of 10,000 is pretty mind blowing to me.
You captured the emotion of true love between Sarah and her Aunt beautifully. You have a gift girl...and I love that you share it with others.
big hugs to you my friend,
So pretty!!! <3
Everything about this is sweet and beautiful!!!! Aunt Mary Pat is a lucky woman!!! You as a SIL, and two precious nieces too!!!!
Way to kick off "low light!" week!!!!
WOW...this is AMAZING! Now you have us all coveting that camera too:) I prefer real life snappies for exactly the reasons you wrote. They capture real life and real emotions. You are such a talented photographer, Lisa.
Amazing! I don't think there is anything that you can not do when it comes to photography! And...I especially "love it" when you surprise yourself of just what you are capable of. Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful bond between Sarah and her Aunt Mary Pat. To think Sarah will forever treasure this very special memory you captured in this photo just makes my heart melt.
God Bless,
How you manage to capture the "most beautiful moments" just floors me!! I absolutely LOVE this picture. This makes me miss the times my sisters (who both live far off now) spent time w/my kids when they were younger. This picture will truly be a keepsake for both Sarah and Mary Pat.
WOW! Inspiring! Gorgeous photos! Beautiful site too and love your family! Thanks for sharing!
Amazing. Love that the ISO is 10,000 and it doesn't even look grainy. Beautiful!
You know I love it. It's these moments that will stay in her memory forever.
Beautifully said, beautifully captured.
I just caught up on your last 6 or so posts. I've been so busy with the online yardsale fundraising, babysitting, the new schedule of life since Todd lost his job, and spring sports that I'm actually SAD about the reading I'm so behind on.
Anyhoo, I don't know how you do it - those girls look so cute every.single.time. BRAVA! Great pic these last few posts...
Picture perfect! As always!
Lisa, it's gorgeous! The numbers mean nothing to me, but I like what I see. You can really read the love between these two, and how relaxed they are in each other's company.
I agree with your words that in order to grow, you have to step out of your comfort zone. I find that with my music, comfort zone = no growth.
Love the name Mary Pat too! So Irish!
So cute! Aunt Mary Pat is going to love her surprise this week!
Hope you had a great weekend! We are still recovering from our Cinco de Mayo party! We are sooo tired today!
Priceless and simply beautiful....
This Aunt Mary Pat loved your post and the picture! I rarely see someone else with my name.
I love this shot!! What a precious moment...captured forever :)
I love looking at this photo. What sweet memories for everyone. Love that you can get that in the dark!! How fun is that:)
I love everything about this photo Lisa! It tells such a sweet story and captures a beautiful moment in time. So glad the old you didn't rule out!! This picture is most surely worth a thousand words. It will be one they both can reflect on and remember that special night. Beautiful my friend!
Love your photography!
ISO 10,000??? WOWZA, I didn't even know there was such a thing. I truly love this shot and all that it says...Sarah and her bond with MaryPat, how comfortable MaryPat is in your home and you taking chances....love it all.
What an amazing shot. MaryPat is going to need some Kleenex when she opens up that little gift in the mail.
Beautiful picture and even more beautiful story behind it!!
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