It has been another one of those jam-packed, busy weeks and quite honestly, my real camera has been collecting some dust again as it has not been removed from my bag in over 10 days:(
My original thought was to skip Favorite Photo Friday this week and just put up the link to let y'all post your photos, but then I remembered this picture I took last Thursday with my IPhone. We had just finished eating dinner and the girls were excited it was not raining(we have had a lot of rainy nights lately) and they could go outside and play on their swing set. Pat and I had been sitting in the grass drinking a glass of wine and watching the girls play when Reagan said she wanted someone to push her so she could "swing high to the sky". That is what they say every time they get on a swing. Pat went over to get her moving and Sarah decided to help. I grabbed my phone and snapped this picture to capture the sheer joy radiating from all three of them. It is not often that Pat appears in photos, so I saw a real opportunity with this one. I did not realize when I took it on my phone, but I saw it later when I uploaded to facebook that Sarah had her stuffed dog at her feet! This picture, even though it was not taken with the big camera, is really one of my most favorite photos I have taken in the last few weeks and I find myself going back to view it again and again.
Actually, I have been taking a lot of Iphone photos lately. I know there are a lot of Iphone users out there, so I thought I would share something that another photog friend so graciously shared with me about three weeks ago. There is a new gadget on the market called the Olloclip and let me say that is AMAZING. It is a handy dandy little lens clip that converts the Iphone into a wide-angle lens, a fish-eye lens, or a macro lens. Yes, you read that correctly, 3 lenses in one little clip! Trust me when I say, once you get this clip in your hands, you will be COMPLETELY ADDICTED.
I have been using the Instagram App for sharing Iphone photos since last September, but this new lens clip has kicked my Instagram obsession into high gear. Since 2008 when I received my first dslr, I have never owned or carried a point and shoot. That was one of those things that I have had on my wishlist for a long time because it is not always practical to lug around the big camera. When I found myself in those situations, I left the big camera at home and then I didn't have any photos or memories of those occasions.
My Iphone, combined with this Olloclip and Instagram, have changed that!
I no longer miss those moments and have the ability to capture them without having to spend major $$$ for a good point and shoot camera.
I don't expect to be using my dslr any less, but I certainly will be taking more spur of the moment photos each day.
Today we are celebrating the last day of school for Nick and the official start of our summer.
Tomorrow is his 8th Grade graduation ceremony.
Time to dust off the big camera!!
~Have a wonderful weekend~

Beautiful photos!
All three (plug doggie) look so delighted in this photo! Love it!!
Have a fun weekend celebrating! Congrats to the graduate!!
Oh boy....more toys. lol. Actually....I've also been missing the everyday moments because it's too hard to lug the big one around. I must check into this little attachable for the iphone. wow...the convenience.
This picture is nice and crisp...and looks like lots of fun. A wonderful moment captured.
Congrats to Nick and enjoy the celebrations and then a little breather. Sounds nice!
(We weren't lucky this week trying to connect. Let's try again next week. Now both my girls have fever.....oy.....)
hugs xoxo
What a sweet shot! Happy Friday!
Gin =)
Welcome Summer and all that it brings!
Congrats to Nick...bittersweet in many ways. He'll be in high school in the Fall. Hard to believe isn't it? Enjoy this time.
Instagram is awfully fun isn't it? This one is one of my very faves of yours Lisa. Love the moment you captured and the expressions on your 3 loves faces.
Have a wonderful weekend!
P.S. The song playing on your blog right now makes cry every time I hear it...
When I grow up I want to take pictures just like you. WOW!!! Love it!
This is beautiful. I have always said that it doesn't matter the camera- it's the image that speaks & this one just makes my heart sing. Those father/daughter moments get me every time. It's beautiful Lisa.
LOVE THAT! And i love my iphone and instagram too... I think many of my pics turn out almost as well as the ones we take on hubby's expensive Canon!
I agree with Gina. It's more the moment captured than the gear used to capture it with. What a moment!
And congrats to Nick! Exciting times.
I love how you captured this real life moment!
Congratulations to Nick!!! What a special day!
Fabulous shot....you got it all, even that little doggy! I love seeing Pat in the photos and the look on both the girls faces is perfect.
Olloclip, huh? I don't think I can fit one more thing in my purse! LOL! I'll succumb one day, I'm sure.
Sounds like a very busy weekend but such a milestone event. Enjoy every minute and CONGRATULATIONS, Nick!
What sweetness here Lisa! Honestly, I love how you captured the innocence of your girls...I'm smiling as I think of their laughter coming right out of the photo. I'll have to link up here!!!
Precious. Oh Thanks for the tips on iphone gadgets. Love my iphone for pics and movies. But I'm not telling the husband then he'll stop buying me camera necesseties lol.
Have a great weekend.
LOVE this photo. It is such a sweet summer capture. That Olloclip sounds like pure genius. I have the old Iphone so my phone photos are AWFUL! Maybe when I upgrade to the newer one someday I will get that.
Awesome...just awesome! Those sweet girls of yours are growing up too fast Miss Lisa...I want to freeze time, yet look forward to the next "phase".
Happiness... that's what that picture is. And I have a feeling that is one the girls will love seeing when they grow up! Great choice Lisa! PS~ got a cute little point and shoot for mothers day (since my phone camera is no good... very old cell phone) and I'm lovin having that point and shoot in my purse!
Happy Friday Lisa, have a wonderful weekend! Are you celebrating Nick's graduation? ~tara
it's the expression on the faces, isn't it? That makes the photo!
I'm familiar with the Olliclip, through another blogger Kerri, at "alittlepieceofme", she has some amazing macros with Olliclip. I intend to buy one very soon, as I don't know how to use a dslr camera, and honestly I'm more of a point-and-shoot gal. I don't use even a fraction of the features on my Olympus point-and-shoot!
Hope you have a fantastic Grad with Nick, Lisa. Enjoy it, it's great to celebrate and acknowledge this occasion.
LOVE this photo of the girls with their Daddy! Could their smiles be any bigger!! You can clearly see both Sarah and Reagan are Daddy's girls:) So precious!
Thanks for sharing all the "goodies" with us! I always hear about the "good stuff" from you first:)
Congratulations to Nick!! You gotta be one very proud Mama!!!
Have a wonderful weekend!
God Bless,
Gorgeous photos!
Now that I have an iPhone, I really need to get Instagram. I love your pic and I will have to check out the iPhone camera clip.
Goodness, that is an awesome photo Lisa! I love it! It captured such an ordinary but joy-filled moment - the kind that make life truly worth living :)
Have a wonderful weekend, my friend!
Oh that sounds so cool. I will definitely have to check that out.
This is a precious photo!
I just ordered mine! Cannot wait!
Sweet shot!
Thank you for this tip!!! I have posted more photos from my phone than ever! I am excited about this little gadget~ will order with my 'mad' money tomorrow!!! XOXO
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