Yesterday we made our way up to the local berry farm to gather some blueberries.

Unfortunately, poor Sarah is still sick with this upper respiratory infection, so Reags was flying solo in the field:(

Even though it was just as hot as it was the day we picked strawberries....

my girl was not about to let a little heat and humidity stand between her and one of her most favorite fruits.

We tried to explain to her that she could only pick the blue ones, the green ones were not quite ready.

She listened and examined very closely before she picked.

Some of the bushes were huge and you could barely make your way through the path....

so Reagan opted to try to stay in the more open areas that had lots of low lying berries instead.

We could not stop laughing at her..... as she pretty much ate her weight in blueberries. Not many of them made it into our box, they all went straight into her mouth.

After we were done picking(I mean eating), we made our way back to the farm stand.

As we approached the table, I could see her getting ready to go in for the next tasting.....

but this time she was eyeing up the beautiful blackberries.

They must have a lot of berry lovin people taste their way through the farm stand..... I had to laugh when I saw the sign!!!
We kept Reagan's hands out of the boxes and bought some blackberries to bring home!
Reagan and I both love blackberries dipped in vanilla yogurt for breakfast.
I split the blueberries with my Mom and we both plan to do some baking. She is going to make the Pioneer Woman's Bluberry Cobbler.....and I am not sure what I am going to make. I was thinking blueberry muffins or blueberry bread. If you have a blueberry recipe that you love, feel free to share it or send it my way!
For now, it is off to work for me. Hope you all have a great Monday~
Absolutely precious! I eat as many as I pick too :)
How fun!! I haven't been blueberry picking in forever! Glad you had a great time!
Too Cute! Chloe did the same thing through the blueberry patch! She loves picking raspberries at her Nana's too and before she picks she always says "not the pink ones, they're not ready"
Enjoy your blueberries!
I made this recipe about two weeks ago and it was fabulous. It started with a Cooking Light recipe, and then this blog adapted it a little. http://www.brandysbaking.com/2011/05/blueberry-pound-cake.html
Oh Yummmmmy! I am like Reagan love blueberries! I just made the Pinoneer Woman Blueberry Cobbler last night....it is so yummy!
Hi! We love to make a batch of blueberry syrup. I have make it a couple of times. It last about 6 months in the fridge and you can add it to pancakes, pound cake, yogurt, lemonade,, etc... We also really like the make the King Arther flour whole wheat blueberry muffin recipe!
Oh yum!!! Love blueberries -- made some blueberry cobbler last week and Mr. Tennis almost ate the whole thing!! :)
Happy Monday!
Thanks ladies for the recipes!!! I can't wait to give them try~
Oh my word, Reags looks so BIG in every single one of these shots. Love the outfit, those little bloomers are to die for.
Hope Sarah is feeling better soon, that darn virus is making her miss all kinds of fun stuff and it needs to leave ASAP!
Happy Monday friend!
Now this is the type of (BLUE) MONDAY I look forward too!! Precious Reagan gave it a WHOLE NEW MEANING!! Love that outfit!!!
We don't have "blue berry" orchards here. The only blackberries are either in the grocery store or in a some brush along the fences. You ask what about "mulberries trees?" Nope, the birds either have taken them over or you risk getting pooped on underneath the tree trying to retrieve some. So with that being said...I will just admire from afar....***sighhhhh****
So sorry that Sarah is still sick. Poor thing! Good thing it's summer and she doesn't have to fit in school. Love your happy pictures. Love the little sweaty hairs stuck to her head and the outfit, oh ah!!! Loads of fun for you and your Mom. Hope Sarah feels back to herself soon, tara
We have a couple of blueberry bushes in the front yard, and have enjoyed picking them and making pies. Today I saw a link to a blog post with a recipe for blueberry cream cheese cinnamon rolls...the photo looked divine and the recipe sounded scrumptious. I hope to try it soon. Here's the link to the recipe if you want to give it a gohttp://thissimplegift.blogspot.com/2012/07/blueberry-cinnamon-rolls.html?spref=fb
These are so beautiful. I love the little tendrils stuck to her forehead. So sweet & what a great way to spend the day.
What a beautiful set... i love her sweaty little forehead... completely adorable!
Looks like a very yummy family day!
How dare you come up with such an adorable post and not only make me feel inept at photography, but lazy for buying my berries at the market;) LOVE this post! Amelia and I eat our weight in fruit (well maybe her weight in fruit) weekly. Thankfully the store closest to our house has great prices, so I'm not going broke. Love those pants! Amelia has been wearing that dress (now shirt) for 3 years. That one is worth the money:)
Gorgeous shots as usual! LOVE the one of Reagan looking away as she eats blueberries... wonder what she is thinking. Hope Sarah gets to feeling better. WP is still trying to shake his yuck too! XO
What a fun day! That no eating sign cracks me up!
Hope Sarah is feeling better soon!
Happy baking!
P.S. Reagan looks sooo grown up in these pictures!
Beautiful shots as always...what a fun day. The sign made me smile:) Have a great week.
Sweet Baby Girl could.not.be.any.more.adorable!
Love these shots and Reagan in her Matilda Jane...enjoying the day to the very fullest under the watchful eye of grandma and mama.
Hoping Sarah is feeling much better tomorrow!
Everything about these shots is pure gorgeousness! Such precious girls. I suddenly want to go pick berries.
Yum!! Nothing beats fresh blueberries! One of my favorite things to make with them is blueberry corn muffins! The Nealy's have a great honey corn muffin recipe & I just add the blueberries... Divine! Enjoy!!
Lisa, she is growing up! Oh my gosh. So fast. By the way, I think her outfit is adorable. Blueberries aren't ready in Maine until August, and we have the "wild" blueberries which I much prefer to the bush variety. They seem sweeter to me. Then again, I also prefer the tiny wild strawberries to cultivated ones. However, "new" potatoes are ready right now. Dana brought a meal's worth home the other day from the field and they were so tender and so delicious!!!
Oh my goodness, Reagan is really looking taller and "bigger" in these photos!! Wow. Beautiful shots, Lisa. Hope Sarah is feeling better soon.
Gin =)
Aw, sorry that Sarah is still sick Lisa, that's hard on you and on her. You'll have to go back to the farm when she's better, lol!
Reagan is gorgeous in these, I love how she's unaware that you're taking her photo! And how she obviously loves her berries.
Did I send you a blueberry tart recipe last year, I know you looked for recipes and I certainly intended to. It's got cream cheese too, very nice. If not and you want it, just give me a shout.
We LOVE picking blueberries in the summertime! Its something I've done with the girls since they were little. These photos are so beautiful and I love the texture you added to some of them. I certainly hope Sarah is feeling better very soon!
I made some blueberry muffins and shared the recipe a few weeks ago. If you are interested, you can find it here - http://lemiefoto-writingwithlight.blogspot.com/2012/06/homemade-blueberry-muffins.html. Enjoy your weekend!
Your photos are always so breathtaking!!!!
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