We arrived back home on Monday afternoon and reality quickly set in.

As I was staring at piles of laundry and back to school shopping lists, I was wishing we were back on the peaceful beaches of The Cape.

The girls loved every minute of their beach vacation and could not wait to step foot in the sand each morning.

They enjoyed running and playing in the unusually warm water.....

but most of all, they spent hours upon hours digging and building sand castles.

It was probably one of the most relaxing trips we have ever had and although I had a lot of things I wanted to do and places I wanted to visit while there......

We spent all of our days on the beach where everyone was happy and no one felt an ounce of stress.

Cape Cod for us is a little peace of heaven on Earth and we can't wait to go back.
In fact, we are thinking about another trip this Fall for a quick weekend getaway before the weather gets too cold.
It has been a hectic week as we are approaching the first day of school for all of the kids. Nick and Reagan start their new schools on Tuesday the 4th and Sarah begins next Monday the 10th. It will be a busy holiday weekend here as we still have a lot of shopping to do. Wishing you and yours a Happy Labor Day weekend!
With any luck, I will finish going through our vacation photos next week.