Favorite Photo Friday - "The New School"

September 28, 2012

Pencil Apple Glasses Notebook BLOG
Reags has been in her new school for four weeks and although we had a really rocky start, I am so happy to say that she absolutely loves it there. The first week was difficult. Not only was it a new environment for her, it was a major adjustment for her to go without her sister by her side. We had tears each morning for the first two weeks and it was tough for us to walk out the door, but all that has changed.

crinkled nose glasses in hands BLOG
This morning she walked in with a big smile on her face as happy as could be.
She knows the routine now and adores her new teachers and friends.

Glasses down over her nose2 BLOG
Pat and I are also thrilled with the daily email reports of what they are learning. Some days they will send us photos of what they did throughout the day and occasionally a video will come through as well.

walking with her apple blog
It puts a smile on our faces to see our littlest one blossoming and adjusting so well.
She is happy when we drop her off and happy when we pick her up. You can't ask for much more than that:)

I have been pretty absent around here and have had little time to post and catch up with everyone. Now that we are all settled into the school year, I am hoping that will change. There is so much I want to post about but there just does not seem to be enough hours in the day. I keep telling myself I will catch up on the weekends and then they come and go and the madness starts all over again on Monday!!
I don't think I am not alone here.... please tell me I am not and that you also feel like you can never catch up?

Have to run off to work now and I am counting the hours until 5pm!!
~Happy Weekend Everyone~
the long road


Amarie said...

What a cutie pie!

Anonymous said...

Reagan so cute in the swanky clothes!!!love them on her.
Laurie @ Pride in Photos

Tiffany said...

Love the squinty eye shot! Also, never caught up....decided to try and enjoy the chaos of 5 kiddos:)


PS: try being the key word!

tiarastantrums said...

so happy to hear she is adjusting grandly!!

Gina Kleinworth said...

These photos are amazingly beautiful Lisa- but of course I am not surprised!

I hope things calm for you. I know that things are going and going & then new opportunities come up- it's hard to say no & sometimes we just can't. Eventually we find our groove with the new schedule & routine & find a way to make it all work. Hope this all eases for you soon my friend!

Amy said...

Beautiful photos. So glad she enjoys her school. Have a great weekend.

Michelle R Photography said...

Lisa, these are darling!! Sweet little Reagan makes the most adorable little student!!

And no, you are not alone. I think you are juggling more than most people, but I never feel as if I can catch up. If I think I have a relatively free day on my calendar, I am so wrong!! I can think of a long list of things that must get done. I think that is a battle we will have for many years to come. But you do a pretty fabulous job getting more done in a day than most. :)


Unknown said...

Just when I thought your posts couldn't get any cuter, you share this!! I think I just felt my heart melt ;)

3 Peanuts said...

SO sweet. Glad she is adjusting well, Lisa. And I am with you...cannot seem to get ahead of the game.

Have a relaxing weekend!!!


Unknown said...

I know what you mean. I've been feeling like I'm not as productive as I'd like to be lately.

Thankfully your little one is getting accustomed to her new routine. Very sweet.

betty manousos said...

your little girl is sooo cute!
i'm so glad she enjoys her school.

gorgeous shots as usual.

have a great weekend!

Mary Gene Atwood said...

Oh this time of year is CRAZY busy! Love that shot of Reagan with her nose scrunched up. Lovely backdrop for the photos. Of course they are all fabulous.

Mimi said...

Indeed you're not the only one Lisa!!!
I barely even have time to comment these days, keep hoping it will calm down, but then wouldn't it be worse to have nothing to do all day!!
Delighted that Reagan likes her new school and has settled in. It's lovely to have the daily report, I still have the little notebook where our minder used to write about our girls...will give it to them on their 21st's!!

Kmcblackburn said...

If only you could bottle that "cuteness" because it is guaranteed to put a smile on anyone's face who sees these photos! Fabulous! I am your newest follower...and look forward to seeing what else you bring us to swoon over!

Serendipityissweet said...

Oh my goodness! So precious! Love <3

Dita said...

LOVE these shots of Reagan...oh, how can she just grow so FAST????? I can't believe it! So beautiful!

Yes, you know it....I am on that hamster wheel and I just can't seem to get off....I'm dizzy with things and the list never seems to shorten.

I know how crazy you have been with all the balls in the air and I only hope you get to slow down a bit and ENJOY this beautiful FALL season which is upon us.

DIta Darling

Diane said...

Your baby is growing up sooooo fast! These are beautiful photos of Reagan!! So happy she adjusted to her new school:) Have a wonderful weekend my friend!
God Bless,

Frogmum said...

I was looking forward to these ~ she is SO adorabel :D I absolutely LOVE that first shot. And I love your creativity :D I wish I had just an ounce of it!

I hope you catch your tail soon and feel more on top of things ~ it's horrid that feeling of always having the next thing to do and never time to draw breath.

Take Care of you!

Pieni Lintu said...

Ohh how cute!!! :)

the meaklims said...

She couldn't be any more beautiful.


DiJo said...

She looks like almost two years of what love can do!!!
She looks adorable in her Swanky Baby too!!!

Happy Friday!!!!


Anonymous said...

Such a great set! The perfect compliment to last week's "teacher' set!

likeschocolate said...

She is darling! Thanks for answering me on which agency you used. I am taking a look at them. I have a few that I am interviewing to see which is a good fit for our family.

Unknown said...

Catch up...I don't even think it is possible anymore:) Guess that is a life with a busy family:) I try to tell myself there will be a day to be caught up until then just live! (if only that was my personality)

We all know you rock and get so much done...hope your weekend is great and can't wait for Sunday!!

Love Teri

carolinagirl said...

so so cute! love the photos! my fave is the apple one!!!

Virginia said...

I can barely stand the cuteness!! I love this set of photos of your Reagan. She is really growing!

Gin =)

Isa + Steph + Sijia + William said...

Your pictures are so incredibly beautiful!!!
Have a great weekend.