We had a bit of a restless night in anticipation of the big day. Sarah woke up twice.... I think she was really anxious, but when the alarm went off early this am, she was all smiles and ready to get dressed to go meet her new classmates.

It was a beautiful morning with just a slight chill in the air, Sarah continued to smile as we walked through the parking lot, but once we reached the sidewalk and we told her it was time to go in, she got a little hesitant.

Our school will not allow the parents to take them to the classroom. We have to part ways curbside where the staff teams each Kindergarten student up with an 8th Grader who will walk them into their teacher. As soon as Sarah set eyes on the big girl with the braids, the smile reappeared and off she went without shedding a tear. We were SO PROUD OF HER!

Even though it is all day Kindergarten, the first week they are breaking them in with half days.
At noon she came out of the school as happy as could be......
(don't you just love the missing tooth smile)

She was just beaming and could not wait to tell me about her day!

First and foremost on her list was to tell me how comfy her new glittery shoes were...and that she didn't even get blisters...LOL!!!

Next she told me that her name tag had been falling off all morning, but she had to keep it on so other people would know who she was.
After those two very important facts, she said that they colored, ate snacks, and went outside to play.
It was an all around TERRIFIC FIRST DAY!
Right now, she is passed out on the couch, totally exhausted.
Time to wake her up or we could have another sleepless night:)
She's so cute! Great photos.
So glad she had a great day! Love that first and foremost she is fashion conscious, telling you the shoes are comfy. (:
LOL @ the shoes!! That's too cute. SO glad she had a great first day! Hope she gets some good sleep tonight, I have a feeling that by Friday, she's going to be pooped!
So cute! sarah has a really adorable smile and expression.
Delighted her first day went well, being back IS exhausting (for the teachers too, lol!).
so sweet! Sarah really does look like a lovely soul!
So happy to hear she had a great day! Love that her shoes didn't cause any blisters. ;-)
Super cute! She looks so old!
She is styling!! I love her outfit! So cute! Thankful she had a Good first day!;)
Aw, I do love that smile! Precious days for sure. Happy 1st day Sarah.
Way to go, Sarah! You must be sooo proud of her!
Love, love, love her fancy schmancy shoes! So cute!
She is so pretty Lisa. You can see "I am not so sure about this" all over her face.
so sweet..i want some shoes like those. Why can't they make those in mama sizes?
Did you ever dream how fast this day would come? Wow! She looks so big:( Glad her first day went well...nice that they get 1/2 days the first week. Amelia's school did that just the first 2 days and even that was great. Then full days started and she was going to sleep by 7 at night...amazing how much more tired they are after Kindergarten than preschool/daycare.
Hope day 2 goes as well!
Sounds like she had a great first day! Love her outfit and those shoes are just fabulous! Bonus that they are comfy too ;o)
Hi Lisa,
Just love your new blog makeover! Chic. Oh those photos of little Sarah just make me smile and cry at the same time!!! She's so pretty and grown up! Our schools were shut down for a week for mold abatement (what else is new around here lol). So today was Kira's first day and I'm totally miserable, so don't call till later (just kidding).
Lovely Cape pics, you're fab. got me a new 50mm hoping my photos show it. Let's talk soon.
Have a fabulouso kind of day.
So happy for you Sarah! You look so pretty on your first day of Kindergarten! You are on the first steps of a wonderful journey. Enjoy each day! tara
Oh she just looks SO sweet. I love these photos. They really tell the story Lisa. I will say some prayers that she continues to love kindergarten.
I MUST know about those shoes, please? KATE loves those kinds of shoes but many do give blisters. Can you share the source?
Sweet Sarah -- little miss adorable kindergartner -- so happy it went well!! What a fun year!
How exciting for Sarah. I love that 8th graders take care of the kinders. I think that is so cool. LOVE the sparkly shoe shot...
Sounds like it was pretty great!!! I can see the apprehension in the first few- but she's such a doll. I'm sure everyone loves her.
Glad S had a great first day. She looks lovely and calm ;D It must feel so strange for you to have them all out of the house now :(
These pictures will be such a treasure in years to come :D
I love every single one!!
I agree with Gina. How could anyone not like that angelic face? ❤
She had a gorgeous outfit and nice backpack (actually I was surprised to see that both your girls have lovely backpacks, with NO Barbie or Disney Princesses on them ;) I will try to suggest my little one to choose something simpler too).
I hope your little angel will relax and sleep well.
You take the most beautiful pictures. Your daughter is adorable. Glad that her first day was great!
xo Tami
The Things We Find Inside
What a little beauty she is!! Love her adorable little outfit!! So happy to hear that she had a great first day!
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