Last Sunday we hit the pumpkin patch.

I pulled the girls up the big hill in the wagon, but someone insisted she was big enough to pull it out into the field.

Reags stopped the wagon when they saw an area that looked good and they both started to wander through the field.

It didn't take too long before Sarah spotted one that she liked.....

but it was a little bit heavier than she could handle, so she called in the "big guns" to help her hoist it up into the wagon.

A few giggles and a lot of teamwork and they got that pumpkin up off the ground and into our wagon.

After all that lifting, Reags needed a break, so this time, Sarah pulled the wagon back out of the field.
We were now on a mission to find some baby pumpkins!

Baby pumpkins are more exciting to the girls than the big full sized ones. They go wild over these little ones.

They kept putting them in the wagon one at a time.

And before long, we had an entire wagon full.

31 to be exact!!!
I tried to convince the girls to put a few back, but they were not gonna budge, so we made our way to the check out counter.

The girls enjoyed a quick run through the maze while I was paying for our pumpkins, we had a little snack, and then called it a day!!
The girls had a blast, but they sure were tired from all of that pulling and lifting!!
We only live a few minutes from this farm, but the girls were both fast asleep by the time we pulled in the driveway!
Hope everyone has had a wonderful week!
It has been sort of rainy and miserable here and I came down with a an upper respiratory thing. It started as a sore throat and now I have a terrible cough and no voice. Good thing it is Friday!!! As always, I am looking forward to a weekend and hoping it will be somewhat restful.
Enjoy your weekend~
WoW! I love these shots! Perfect fall photos!
Beautiful! We haven't picked out our pumpkins yet, but we are looking so forward to it!!
What a fun day at the pumpkin patch! We are going over fall break and I can't wait! I love the little pumpkins too!
Hope you have a fun and relaxing weekend. Feel better soon!
Precious...Reagan is really 3 isn't she:) Love her determination. They remind me so much of Amelia and her cousin Katie...your photos take me back to when they were little.
Theya are super cute! I hope you feel better soon. Where do you get all their cute clothes. Those jeans are darling.
What beautiful photos Lisa! I think your girls picked the perfect pumpkin. :-)
Hope you start feeling better. Get lots of rest.
Love them all! WE are headed to the pumpkin patch this weekend and I can't wait!!
you really just take some amazing photos!
Oh how darling Lisa!!!! I love places like that. Unfortunately there aren't any around here. So I will just enjoy seeing all your images from your day of fun.
Have a great weekend my friend!
Lisa these are PRECIOUS PICTURES!!! I don't think I ever seen Reagan in jeans!! OMG too cute!!! The "baby pumpkin" are a BIG HIT here as well with Bre. She oooohs and ahhhhs over the "babies" and windup with a wagon full. I can't wait until we make out visit, unfortunately ours is not a fantastic farm like the one above but a huge field on the side of a church who sells the pumpkin as a fundraiser every year. The "patch" if FULLY STOCKED and boast some of the biggest and yet unusual bunch of pumpkins and gourds. They have wooden cutouts for the kids to pose with. We are heading to Dallas to the WORLD FAIR next weekend and will visit the Arboretum. That makes for WONDERFUL PICTURES!! I also SCORED a rustic looking wagon from Hobby Lobby this past spring and can't wait to use it as a prop for the pictures!!
As always I enjoy your pictures IMMENSELY!! Hoping you feel better and have a wonderful and HEALING weekend!!
I am struck how big Reagan is getting. The baby is gone and that beautiful little girl has emerged. Sarah looks so grown up in her boots and leggings running through that field.
I love the story of sisterhood that is always told regardless of the task at hand in your images.
31 pumpkins? I imagine there may be a few headed to the boutique this weekend!
Hope you are feeling better today!
Have a wonderful weekend with your babies!
So cute -- what a fun time!! Maddy loves the little pumpkins too. Hope you feel better fast and have a restful weekend!!
Lisa - the photos are just as precious as your girls! We love going to the farm and had a blast there last weekend as well!
I wish you a blessed weekend beautiful friend. Lots of love!
Who you know will be spending crazy time with her new best friend!!!!!
Hi Lisa. Your girls are so precious together! I LOVE the picture of the two of them working together to lift the pumpkin. Sorry I haven't written lately. I think of you often!
I just love all of these! The orange pumpkins and your girls' outfits make these photos so beautiful!
Fabulous photos Lisa! I love how Reagan is minding the big pumpkin when she's being pulled in the wagon.She is getting very grown up; I'm thinking this is her 3rd pumpkin outing?
Both their outfits are adorable; Sarah looks so elegant in her leggings and boots, and she is such a fab big sis!
Sorry you're unwell, hope it doesn't ruin your weekend. Take it easy.
Your girls always have such spirit - love these!
These photos are so precious. If it's okay I'd love to feature this post in a weekend post rounding up my favorite October/Fall related posts from other bloggers.
Wow! These photos are absolutely amazing! Your girls are so adorable! Have a great weekend!
What a perfect day! And your photos are so beautiful! I'm so glad I stumbled onto your blog today!!!
Beautiful! They are growing up so quickly!! I cannot believe how big Reagan looks! Have a great, relaxing weekend! Hope you are feeling better!
Love these!!! Gorgeous!
Going to the pumpkin patch is one of our very favorite things to in the fall! It looks like a great place - LOVE the wagons!! Your girls are just to adorable!!
Lisa, I love these pic and had to laugh out loud when I read that Sarah brought in "The Big Guns."
I was just thinking looking at these pictures how remarkable it is that you and Pat brought these two little ones together. It is so clear that they have a special sister bond.
Feel better soon...
Lisa, you know why I love this series?...because you put the girls in pink to pick pumpkins!!!! Love that!!! These are so fun. I love their teamwork, too! Fun fun times.
Enjoy your weekend. I hope you're feeling better soon!
Ditto with us, pumpkin patches, corn mazes and being outdoors in the Fall. So much fun! Love your photos!
Alyzabeth's Mommy for Four Years!
These photos are so fantastic, the ones of them working together to get the big pumpkin in the cart it really a cuteness overload. What great sister teamwork! Beautiful pictures that captured such a fun day!!
31 pumpkins? That is probably more than is in my whole city:) smile....
so glad you can provide this wonderful fun for your children.
Laurie @ Pride in Photos
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