The leaves are just beginning to change and the Fall temps have finally arrived in these parts, so last week I was forced to begin going through the girls' closets to make room for the warmer clothes.

I saved almost everything that Sarah has worn over the years in big rubbermaid containers that I have stored in our basement.
Last Sunday, I took a stroll down memory lane as I picked through the container of Fall/Winter sizes 2T and 3T.

It is funny how I remembered almost every outfit and the occasions that she wore them.

This sweater was one of my FALL FAVORITES when Sarah was little. She wore it when we visited the pumpkin patch with her cousins.

I really hated to say goodbye to all of their pretty summer dresses, but I will admit that I am ready for the warmer and much more cozy clothes of Fall and winter.

Now the part that really upsets me.....

My baby girl is growing up right before my very eyes.....too fast!!!

I tucked Sarah's clothes neatly into rubbermaid containers where they will wait for Reagan to grow into them.

Then I get to Reagan's clothes that she has outgrown.....

I am most certain our family is complete, but I cannot bring myself to get rid of her clothes or pass them on.
For now, they are also packed away in the basement by size and season. One day I will be able to part with them, bur for now, I need to hold onto them and the memories of the past two years.
Hard to believe it has been almost two years since I stepped off the plane with her in my arms. She has grown and matured so much these last few months and the traces of "baby" that were there 6 months ago are now gone. My beautiful baby has turned into a little girl with a personality as colorful as the sweater she is wearing. Bittersweet feelings for this Mama.
Camera: Canon 5d Markiii
Lens: 85mm f1.2
The settings for this series varied a bit:
From F1.4 to F2.0
SS 1/640 to 1/1250
ISO 100
This series was taken at 9 o'clock in the beautiful morning light.
Photos were processed with Perfect Color at a reduced opacity from Florabella's new Colorplay action set.
I also added a slight haze and texture at the end.

Make sure you pop on over to my friend Stef's blog to see her adorable crew and more Sunday Snapshots.
How fun to dig through Rubbermaid containers of hand me downs and memories! I love, love, love this sweater! Cutie pie Reagan is definitely growing up. Boo hoo!
Hope you have a fun and relaxing Sunday!
what a heartfelt post. She is a doll just like her Mommy! Very sweet.
She is growing up and looking like such a little sweetheart!! Feel the same way and have a hard time parting with some of Maddy's clothes! Hope you have a great weekend!!
I went through Amelia's closet last weekend. It is sad to see the clothes transition out...but you are lucky to have gorgeous photos of your girls in all of their cute clothes. I have found that the older she gets, the harder it is for me to part with the pieces of her as a toddler.
Gorgeous shots, and I thank you for posting your processing recipe too. I have Florabella's Colorplay actions too...have been doing some experimenting...so I like seeing how others use them too.
These are so perfect!! Lovely bokeh. :)
Just maybe there is one more in your future. It seems like many of the families once they adopt one from China find their hearts back there adopting again. Thanks to you and all your adopting buddies my husband and I have started the process to adopt from China. Strange to think in a year we will be adding another child to the 4 we have allready. Have a great Sunday!
it's crazy how much she has grown, crazy. But she and her sister get more beautiful everyday.
She wears everything so beautifully and this sweater is no exception! I know the feeling about giving up clothes! It's so hard!
Lisa, I was thinking that in your last post...she is growing before our very eyes, definitely losing the baby stage, and I wondered if it was hard to let go of all the fab clothes you have for them.
I guess when the time is right, you'll be ready to let some lucky other person have them, and make their own memories with them. Just not yet...
The vivid colours in the cardi work really well with Reagan's colouring.
Gorgeous pictures! I love changing out seasonal wardrobes, and I, too, can remember each occasion that matches the outfits.
I just love your photos of the girls.I feel like i'm there with you.
Those who wish to purchase children outfits for special events or for everyday wear, can opt for the best on the internet outfits store. The wide range of outfits can provide versatility in choosing the right clothing for children.
I can relate to EVERY single word Lisa!!! Sweet Sweet Pics!!!
Ooooh how I know those feelings! We are complete with 5 but I can't get rid of the clothes...some worn 14 years ago by my oldest! My babies....growing tooooo fast! And Lulu, oh my how she is losing the "baby-ness" way too fast! Bittersweet for sure!
She is such a little beauty Lisa!! I can certainly identify with you! It is really hard to give up those special little outfits they grown out of. My girls are 14 and 11 and I still have two tubs of clothes that I just can't part with. We are finding we love every single stage but sometimes we do get nostalgic for those days when they were so little.
Is that our BABY REAGAN? Where has that "baby chub" gone? Where is the little round face?
Oh...I see, our baby is growing up!! Here....take a tissue (snortttttt), I KNOW THE FEELING!!!
She is truly beautiful!! LOVE the sweater!
Oh how I know so well about the "HOLDING ON TO THE OUTGROWNS". I still have special things my kids wore. NOTHING IS WRONG WITH THAT right? How about a 31yr old pair of baby shoes? Wait, what about that cute ladybug windbreaker that's 23 years old, Oh look, here is the little suit my 27yr old wore to my brother's wedding, and *squealllllllll* who could forget about this cute denim coat my 25yr old wore his first day of school. (Sighhhh) I'm a NOSTALGIC NUT!!
Ummmm. I'm KEEPING Bre's adoption dress, so COMMIT ME!!! I'm a HOPELESS CASE!!
love your pictures!!! what program do you use for editing??
ACK, how did I miss this??!!! Love her in those bright colors, so precious with her pretty dark skin and hair. The 3rd pick is my fave, that expression is hysterical!
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