I am sort of rewinding the clock here and still catching up with the backlog of photos that I wanted to post.
These were taken on our recent trip to Cape Cod over the Christmas break. It was a relatively quick trip for us and I made a rash decision in the 11th hour to leave the big camera at home....
Stealing a line from one of my all time favorite movies... "Big mistake..BIG, HUGE"
and still kicking myself for not throwing the camera bag in the car because the day after we arrived, I was headed to the grocery store and decided to stop at the beach and take a little stroll.

The minute I stepped into the sand and heard the waves crashing, it was like instant serenity.

I walked down the coastline and found a few things that caught my eye along the way.
This staircase that was one of them. I named this photo "stairway to heaven" because from the bottom it looked like the stairs were going to take you right up to the sky!

Just beyond the stairs, there was a washed up and abandoned lobster trap that was so cool looking. The texture and details were so intriguing and thanks to the Olloclip on my iPhone, I was able to capture them up close.

I have been to the Cape so many times I have lost count....and special memories are made each time we visit, but this was certainly a walk to remember. I can't recall a time where I was able to walk the beach and essentially have it to myself with not another soul there..... just me, the sand, and the sound of the water. With each wave that came in and went out, I could feel the stress washing away. It was such a peaceful feeling and had a very calming effect. I only wish it wasn't so far away. Oh how I would love to be able to take a walk like that every day or at least once a week to clear my mind.
I know a lot of you follow me on Instagram and/or Facebook and have already seen this series, but I love them so much, I wanted to post them here so they are documented. All of the photos were taken with my Iphone and Olloclip attached, then processed using instagram filters. Looking at them up close here on the computer, they are a tad grainy, but I think it adds to the mood.
They day after I took these, it snowed. The storm was moving in.
It has been a week where I have put in a lot of windshield time, so I have not had the opportunity to take many photos.
I do have a few, just have not had time to get them downloaded from my camera.
Hope to get them up this weekend!
Happy Friday Friends!!!

Great beach pictures! I, too, wish we lived closer to the beach.
Hope you have a great weekend. We need to catch up soon!
LOVE keeping up with you on IG, Lady!
beautiful captures... even in the winter, i love the beach and especially cape cod. there's just something about winter in new england...
Love these -- really makes me wish for the beach -- even a winter beach would be lovely!!
Happy weekend!!
Since we are in the dead of winter here in Canada it's nice to see pictures of the beach and dream of warmer days! Happy Friday!!
These are so beautiful..I almost feel like I'm there. I love the Cape but haven't been in years. Walking on the beach calms me like that too. I have seen these all on Instagram but it's nice to see them again and on a larger screen!! :)
Lisa I absolutely love all your pictures however the second picture of the steps leading down to the beach is amazing!! It feels like I'm right there...wish I was as we had a typical Indiana winter day yesterday. Have an awesome weekend!
I just love the beach in winter! Gorgeous!
wonderful pics! so beautiful :)
Certainly some gorgeous memories. Leaving the big camera- oh my. My heart skipped a beat when I ready that.
Have a beautiful weekend my friend!
Just Beautiful....enjoy your weekend with the kiddos.
So beautiful
Just looking at the photos is relaxing so I can imagine how it felt standing there. Beautiful!
PS. Pretty Woman. I love it, too. :)
Big camera or not...these pictures are stunning and make me feel as if I am right there soaking up the sounds of the ocean! My favorite is the staircase photo...love your name for it :)) I also love way you posted them with the sides that look like they are coming off the page...very cool!
Wishing you a stress free-beautiful weekend!
Happy Friday...xoxo amy
Love, love, love these. I think my blood pressure went down just looking at them. Oh how I wish I lived closer to the beach, as it has that same relaxing effect on me. Makes me look forward to our weekend in FL even more!! Happy Friday, my friend!! xoxo
I could look at these photo's all day long...so peaceful and beautiful..I still can't believe you took these with you iphone!!! And now that you have your new Kelly Moore you need to take your camera "everywhere" you go:))) LOVE the new watermark!!!
Happy Friday my friend! Hope you have a FABULOUS weekend!!
God Bless,
These are so fun! Happy Friday :)
Oh how I wish I lived near the beach! Your phone pictures turned out lovely.
Thanks for posting these again! They are my calm. I too love the beach and how magical it must have been to essentially have it all to yourself.
It's kind of cliche, but the best camera is the one you have with you -- as evidenced in these gorgeous shots! Awesome work! I love the compositions of these photos.
I absolutely love these! You are truly talented and these make me long to walk on the beach.
These are so pretty Lisa. I need that clip one of these days.
I too always feel like stress washes away when I am at any beach. it is my ahppy place.
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