It has been a wild week here...
I did not intend to completely disappear, but life got a little crazy and I just have not had the time to really get online.
In addition to the normal every day life craziness, I am getting ready to leave town.
Some of you might remember the photography contest I entered a few months ago for the Savvy Sisterhood Workshop in Florida.
Well, the big weekend has finally arrived and I will be getting on that plane bright and early tomorrow morning.
Not only am I super excited to learn a lot and meet some extremely talented photographers while spending a few days in paradise, I am beside myself with giddiness(is that even a word?) that with a slight twist of the arm, I convinced my friend Marla to come along with me. It will be a super quick trip, but I am thankful that we will get to see each other for a few days and soak up all things photography related.
I have not picked up my camera since Saturday when I took pictures of the precious bundle of joy, but I have had this one sitting in my blog draft waiting to post since Chinese New Year.
I am in love with the look on her face and her messy hair.
Okay, sorry to post and run, but this girl has got to get to bed.
I have to be in the car headed for the airport by 4am.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone and I will be back on Tuesday.... hopefully with many photos to share!

YAY!!!! Yay for Alys Beach!!!!! :D Woo Hoo!!!!! Have SO much fun!!! And, I think this might be my favorite image of Reags- like Ever!! xoxo, Brooke
Have a great trip! Just made your meatballs and sauce for guest and they just about died from how amazing they are. I took some photos using the skills you have taught me. Will post later.
Hope you have a great trip!
Love the photo
Enjoy your trip!!! That came up quickly!!
That photo is too adorable!! She's just precious!!
Looove this picture of Reagan!
Have a wonderful trip! Enjoy it X1000 ;)
LOVE this picture! And be sure to post LOTS of photos in Florida! HAve fun!!
Gorgeous shot of your baby girl!
And ENJOY the weekend - you deserve it, sister :)
I love this shot of your beautiful girl! Have a great weekend.
Gin =)
have a wonderful inspiring weekend!
The messy hair? PURE perfection!
I think this is my favorite pic of Reagan!! Messy hair is the best on our Asian beauties!!!!!!
I know you and Marla are going to have a BLAST!!! Enjoy!
Safe travels Lisa! I hope you're able to relax and soak in the warm Florida sun while you're there. Looking forward to hearing all about your weekend upon your return. :-)
Congrats -- sounds like a great trip!
SOOO jealous!! ;)
hope you have a wonderful time and learn lots and get great girlfriend time... :)
she's a doll and i love this photo, too... it's a wonderful capture of personality.
thanks for hosting again-safe travels!
Enjoy your weekend...oh how I could use a beach weekend!
You are going to have so much fun Lisa- I can't wait to hear all about it.
This has got to me one of my MOST FAVORITE pics of Reagan!! LOVE!!
Enjoy your weekend! So excited for you!!! I can't wait to see pics and hear all the stories about your weekend!!
Have fun, so exciting!
Have a brill weekend Lisa.
Friend, Sun, hobby, weekend away. What's not to like!!
Look forward to seeing the products of it all next week!
Have a wonderful trip, Lisa. Can't wait to hear all about it! xoxo
Congratulations and have a super nice trip!
Fun!!! Maybe more so because you have had such a crazy week! Enjoy every minute!
xo ellie
Keep bashin those photos off. Thanks for a cool post and a super meme.
Have a great time!!
Amazing photo, amazing!!!! <3
I can't wait to see pictures and little tid-bits from your trip!
i can only imagine what an amazing time you're having right now!! enjoy it all and can't wait to hear about it!
I love everything about your photo in this post! So beautiful. Stumbled onto your blog from Ni Hao Ya'll and am excited to read more about you!
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