A few weeks ago, Reagan's preschool had a little graduation ceremony for all the students that were moving onto the next class.
It was absolutely adorable, but kind of crazy. At 3 years of age, most of the children were very scared and intimidated to walk out "on stage" in front of a crowd of complete strangers. We took Reagan "backstage" upon our arrival and as soon as we took our seats, we heard her crying for us. I went back there with her to try to comfort her. She was very confused about where she was and was adamant she did not want me to leave her side.
They did a play first, based on the book the hungry caterpillar and she barely made it out there, then they had an intermission so the kids could changed into their caps and gowns. Again, she wanted me with her backstage.
The only time we saw a smile appear on her face that morning was when she put on that cap and gown.
We had a little difficulty with that cap, but once it was on, well, her face says it all.
The light was terrible back there, but I had to snap a few to mark the occasion and her adorable little face.
She was proud....and so were we.
I am so behind with photos.. still have another post or two from June happenings.
One day I will catch up:)
Hope you all had a fabulous and fun 4th!!!
Happy LONG Weekend!
congrats to your little gal! She does look so proud of herself!
that is so awesome they do the whole cap and gown as well! Looks so adorable on such a little girl!
She looks adorable in her cap and gown, just a little glimpse into her future.
Congrats to her- that's so fun.
Blessings to your & your family this weekend Lisa- hope all is well.
Awe, so cute.
She is way to cute for her own good! Have a great weekend.
I have never seen a cap and gown done at 3, but it is cute to say the least! She is growing up to fast!
R is absolutely precious.
Congratulations to your littlest one!
She's so cute! It does seem a bit much for their age but the photos are adorable!
such a cutie! What a happy day.
Gorgeous photos, as always, Lisa! Reagan looks so beautiful.
I agree with you though, it is kind of crazy having a Grad for tiny kids. It's getting to the stage they nearly have a "grad" every year now!
Way behind doesn't even begin to describe where I'm at, but i keep hoping to put a post together one of these days!
she gets more and more precious
She looks so precious in her cap and gown. Don't blame your sweet baby girl for being a. I wish I knew how to stop these girls from growing so darned fast!
Gin =)
Oh! She looks so cute with the gown and cap. And there’s no hint that she cried before those pictures were taken. Thanks a lot for sharing these adorable photos.
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