"There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child. There are seven million." ~Walt Streightiff

"If we all could see the world through the eyes of a chile, we would see the magic in everything." ~Chee Vai Tang

It has been another interesting week around here.
Last Thursday afternoon, I received a call from my Mom that Sarah fell off the monkey bars at the playground and they were pretty sure she broke her wrist. I flew over and we went straight to the emergency room where we found out that, yes indeed, she broke her wrist.
It was a clean break, but she broke both bones, the radius and ulna.
The wrist was too swollen to cast that night, so they wrapped and immobilized it until we saw the pediatric orthopedist the next day.
On Friday, Sarah was put in a hot pink waterproof cast that goes up to almost her armpit.
It was a rough weekend for our girl and she spent most of it in bed.
The pain only lasted the first few days, but she seems to be doing much much better now.
We all signed it and added some bling. Her cast is now bedazzled:)
I posted some photos on Instagram and Facebook, so you can see them there.
Now that she is feeling more like herself, I hope to get a few fun photos so we can document it here as well.
Reagan was a little out of sorts through all of this.
She couldn't understand why Sarah could not play and do all of the things they normally do together.
She was definitely missing her buddy and best friend.
We took a ride together to run some of the normal weekend errands and we stopped at the 2 Hip Chics studio space to drop off some of our new props. They are for an upcoming shoot, but Reags decided to give them a whirl.... I mean twirl:)
Your studio light is so dreamy...LOVE!!! Reagan is such a beauty and I love the adorable expressions with her parasol :)) I think one of my favorites is the one of her twirling around holding the pig!! Hope your weekend is less eventful than last week and you can relax and enjoy time with your family. Happy Friday!! xoxo amy
First of all those pictures are amazing!!! Second, I'm so glad your little one is okay :)
Beautiful Lisa...Have a good weekend!
Poor Sarah... and poor you! I'm glad she's okay. I broke my arm right around her age too.
I love these pics, especially the picture with one eye peeking out.
You know I love all your photos but that first one this week oh my!!! I love it! She is getting so big and those little puckered lips:)))))
Have a great weekend!
so happy to hear your little gal is feeling much better!
Suddenly someone is looking very grown-up!!
my retirement house MUST have an East facing window with all this dreamy light...and a radiator! love these Lisa. So sorry to hear about Sarah. Glad you can make the cast stylish...i'd expect nothing less from a cool cat such as yourself! xo
So sweet, have a great week!
Lisa, As you know I have been following your blog for a long time. Reagan has always been such a "cute little girl" to me. I can't believe what I see when I look at her now, especially the first and last pictures. "cute" no longer suffices .... she is now just absolutely beautiful! Wow, she is really growing up. Sorry and happy for you all at the same time!! As always, beautiful pictures.
Reagan looks stunning in these photos! What a beauty.
So sorry again about Sarah's wrist. Poor sweetie.
Oh my goodness! Glad Sarah is feeling better. These photos though of Reagan are just gorgeous! I SO want to take your course, but it just doesn't look like it will be possible this time round sadly. Hopefully you'll offer it again as I do want to give it a go sometime. :)
Beautiful photos. I so hope Sarah is feeling better poor thing. that must have been frightening for all, but she'll heal like the trooper she is! Give her a hug for me.
Enjoy your weekend.
Sure has been quite a week for you- been following on IG. WOW- hope she recovers quickly!
Gorgeous pics of Reags - she's turning into such a little lady.
These photos are so dreamy! And that baby girl of yours is just lovely and growing so fast! Poor Sarah. I'm glad to hear your tough little girl is feeling better.
Gin =)
Poor Sarah! I had a look on your Instagram, and she has such a brave face on her.
The top one of Reags is stunning; doesn't she have the most beautiful rosebud mouth? And the studio shots are lovely and delicate.
Hope you're feeling better Lisa!
Stunning photos of Reagan! I can't believe how "BIG GIRLISH" she looks on these pics!! Where is BABY REAGS?!! The light in that room is beyond perfect!!!
So glad Sarah is doing better! Playground injuries are the most common, but it still is a scary thought. Perfect example on yday as I pulled up to the camp she attends during the summer. They make daily trips to the park and on yday, as I pulled up to the park to pick her up, I spotted her from far away, dangling precariously by her knees ONLY from the monkey bar, w/a slab of concrete omniously "waiting for it's next victim"! I almost forgot to put the car in park before getting out and shouting "OMG!!! Bre get down"!! She casually uprighted herself and looked at me like I had 3heads!! All I could see is her hitting the concrete beneath her! She has NO FEAR whatsoever! That scares the BA-GEE-BEES outta me!! The camp counselor says she tells her almost daily to NOT hang like that and she is usually made to sit it out! She cannot help herself! She says if it's not the monkeybars, its the bars by the slides! She just can't help herself! Either she is "core training" for gymnastic or part BAT!! The girl is ALWAYS hanging upside-down!!
That last picture... dreamy! I love those lips!!!
Poor Sarah! On our drive home from St. Louis last weekend, we stopped at a rest area and just as I was walking over to the play area to let Sophie play, we heard a scream. Poor little girl fell off the monkey bars there and it was obvious that she also broke her wrist. It was so painful for her and nobody could do a thing to help take that pain away. Heart wrenching! I hope Sarah is back up to speed by now and can't wait to see her sporting her blinged out cast! We have had two casts already... for Sophie!
Love and hugs! Hope you are feeling better too!!
I am so sorry to hear about Sarah's injury. That must have been a tough few days. It looks like she is adjusting to her adorable blinged-out hot ink cast quite well from the next post:)
Love these umbrella pics!! I did some of Kate like this when she was one but never got the pink casting off her face. (not sure I even had ps then. I should re-edit them. Gorgeous!!!!
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