Let's Be Friends

September 13, 2013

Surfer Girls Sarah and Friends Collage 2
Finally beginning to dig through the beach photos. I promise, I will be done by next week.
I have one more set of Pat and the girls on the beach and then the sunset photos and I am moving on to all things "Fall".
These are just some quick snapshots of Sarah playing with some new friends that she met on the beach.
The girls all had boogie boards, but instead of riding them, they were trying to stand on them to see who could stay up the longest.
Surfer Girls Sarah and Friends Collage 3
They were out there for hours playing in the waves and I thought it was so cute that they just happened to all match in their pink bathing suits. Not too long after these photos were taken, Sarah's new friends had to head back home. There were a few tears shed over this news.... they were all having so much fun together.
They said their goodbyes and hope to see each other again next year.
Like our family, they come back to the Cape every summer!

The craziness of the new Fall schedule has continued here.
We have added dance classes for both of the girls and soon basketball for Sarah.
As you could imagine, the excitement level was through the roof about attending dance.
And I am not just talking about the girls...... Me too!!
They are taking Ballet and Tap at the same studio where I spent a good part of my teenage life.
I did not get to look behind the closed door while class was going on, but I did get reports that Sarah did well.
Reags did well too, but she had a moment.....
In case you were wondering, it is possible to suck your two fingers and tap dance at the same time:))
They asked her to remove her fingers from her mouth and she started to cry....but I was told she recovered quickly.
It was the first time in a new place for Miss Reags, and as we all know those fingers are her security and when she is unsure, they go straight in her mouth. Hopefully I will get my camera in there soon. They have designated nights that you can watch!!
I did post a few shots on Instagram of the girls testing out their tap shoes in our kitchen.
Our dog was not pleased.... it was kind of loud up in here!!!

Okay, off to work I go.
Bring on the weekend....I am more than ready!
TGIF everyone~

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Heather{Our Life In a Click} said...

Beautiful shots of the beach. Those 'instant' friendships are so great on vacation! Dance class is so exciting for you all! I can't wait to see some photos. The image of Reagan with her fingers in her mouth while tap dancing is so precious! I'm glad she recovered. Fall is such a busy time, every week we add more activities and it starts to get crazy!

Kmcblackburn said...

So sweet! Love how they are all wearing pink too :)

Number 6 and no more counting! said...

summer friends are the absolute best. You have captured it here so beautifully.

too cute about the fingers and ballet!


have a great weekend Lisa!

Tiffany said...

Have a great weekend....Love the cast in the shots, like she didn't even know it was there:)


Unknown said...

Love the Cape Cod photos. It will be interesting if the girls in fact get to hang out next summer. You are such a busy family and I live vicariously through you. Reags is such a trooper!

tiarastantrums said...

oh, I love when my girls make new friends so quickly as well whilst on vacation. Poor wee Reags! too cute

Love Letters To China said...

Sarah looks so cute with her new girlfriends dressed in pink. How cold is the water during that time of the year? I can't even imagine putting my toes into something less than 85 degrees!! My blood has definitely thinned after all these years in the southeast. ;-) I remember as a young child visiting my family each summer on the Jersey Shore. The water would be freezing yet I still managed to jump in and play for hours.

We too are in the thick of school and extra curricular activities. Can't even imagine a full-time job mixed in there too. It must be so exciting to see your girls taking dance lessons at the very same studio you did as a child. Can't wait to see pics when they let you observe. I often times wish Nat still was taking lessons. She's now moved on to gymnastics. :-)

Sorry I got so long winded! Have a fabulous weekend Lisa!!


Gina Kleinworth said...

Oh my- so many great memories. Sounds like so many more to come up quickly. Can't wait to see.

Have a great weekend Lisa!

Unknown said...

Can't wait to see your dance photos! Our girls are taking tap this year also and they are loud! Love the friend photos these photos make it seem like the kids are growing up so fast! A blessing and heartache all wrapped up together!
Love Teri

Unknown said...

So sweet, I had childhood friends like that too they I spent time with each summer.

(◔‿◔) said...

Children quickly close friendships. This is nice to see. - your beautiful pictures too!
Thanks for sharing, for hosting this nice project and happy weekend, Wieczora (◔‿◔) | my photoblog

amy said...

Love that the girls all had on pink :)) and Sarah looks so happy with her new friends Beautiful photos that capture sweet childhood memories. I'm sure Sarah's long legs will serve her well as she starts basketball! Look forward to seeing pictures of them dancing!

Happy weekend!!

Mimi said...

Fab, fun, beach photos! I love how they make friends so easily at that age, and can play happily for days on end. Hope Reags got to join in some of the time too.
Ballet is something I wish I could have done when I was young, but wasn't on offer in the small town where I grew up. It's sooo good for posture!

diane said...

Those photos brought back so many memories as a kid and being on the beach....good times!

Unknown said...

i enjoy your beach photos so much! you could keep 'em coming if it were up to me! haha the beach just soothes my soul!! i can just imagine the excitement level in your house!! i'm excited for them and their new activities!

Hoots Momma said...

Oh... LOVE LOVE LOVE these pics! what lens are you shooting these with? surely not a fixed 50...Gorgeous!!

Heart n Soul said...

Special memories ... the beauty of childhood is making friends so easily without prejudice and judgement. You have certainly captured the innocence of childhood and the heart of humanity to seek uncomplicated friendship and connection with others. Beautiful!

...melody... said...

Great shots! The light is just stunning. :)