Update: The birthday week continues as we are about to celebrate someone turning 4 tomorrow. I have not had time to get another post up. I will do that later tonight or tomorrow, but for now, just link your favorite photo friday post below. ~Happy Weekend Everyone~

Today we are celebrating Sarah's big day!
I can hardly believe our girl is S E V E N. She was the surprise of a lifetime.
We were just 6 months into what we knew was going to be a LONG wait for our referral from China when we received the call about sweet Sarah. We did not have much time to prepare for her arrival. In fact, I was sitting with my boss in Philadelphia telling him that we were going to be parents in about 4 weeks, when my phone rang saying that Sarah's birthmother was in labor. I think we were all in a state of shock. We had nothing. Not a carseat, an outfit, no bottles or diapers. My boss and colleagues made sure I was okay to drive and then packed me up in my car. I drove straight to babies r us and just started loading my cart with essentials. Sarah was born that afternoon just hours after we received the call. She was brought to our home and placed in our arms within 36 hours. It was a day we will NEVER FORGET. I think we pinched ourselves a thousand times. She was SO BEAUTIFUL and so tiny. You could see her very petite features and she had the longest fingers. We were completely mesmerized by her beauty and our home was filled with so much LOVE and JOY. It was the week of Thanksgiving and boy(I mean girl:), did we have so much to be thankful for that year.

Seven years later and this precious girl is still spreading her JOY everywhere she goes.
She is a very bright child and has so much compassion for her family and friends.
By far, she is the extrovert of the family and makes new friends wherever she goes.
She absolutely loves school and looks forward to going each day.
Her favorite subjects are Reading and Spelling and she also enjoys her Art and Music classes as well.
She is a dreamer and bit of perfectionist in everything that she does.
Her recent report card has proven that and I look forward to meeting her teacher on Friday for our conference.
Our lives were totally changed by the surprise of this sweet little bundle of JOY.
We are very blessed and feel fortunate that we were chosen to be her parents.

Had to take a walk down memory lane.
This was snapped with my kodak point and shoot just moments after we met her.
Look at Nick's face:) One of the happiest days of my life!
~Happy Birthday Sarah~
We Love YOU!!!

Today we are celebrating Sarah's big day!
I can hardly believe our girl is S E V E N. She was the surprise of a lifetime.
We were just 6 months into what we knew was going to be a LONG wait for our referral from China when we received the call about sweet Sarah. We did not have much time to prepare for her arrival. In fact, I was sitting with my boss in Philadelphia telling him that we were going to be parents in about 4 weeks, when my phone rang saying that Sarah's birthmother was in labor. I think we were all in a state of shock. We had nothing. Not a carseat, an outfit, no bottles or diapers. My boss and colleagues made sure I was okay to drive and then packed me up in my car. I drove straight to babies r us and just started loading my cart with essentials. Sarah was born that afternoon just hours after we received the call. She was brought to our home and placed in our arms within 36 hours. It was a day we will NEVER FORGET. I think we pinched ourselves a thousand times. She was SO BEAUTIFUL and so tiny. You could see her very petite features and she had the longest fingers. We were completely mesmerized by her beauty and our home was filled with so much LOVE and JOY. It was the week of Thanksgiving and boy(I mean girl:), did we have so much to be thankful for that year.

Seven years later and this precious girl is still spreading her JOY everywhere she goes.
She is a very bright child and has so much compassion for her family and friends.
By far, she is the extrovert of the family and makes new friends wherever she goes.
She absolutely loves school and looks forward to going each day.
Her favorite subjects are Reading and Spelling and she also enjoys her Art and Music classes as well.
She is a dreamer and bit of perfectionist in everything that she does.
Her recent report card has proven that and I look forward to meeting her teacher on Friday for our conference.
Our lives were totally changed by the surprise of this sweet little bundle of JOY.
We are very blessed and feel fortunate that we were chosen to be her parents.

Had to take a walk down memory lane.
This was snapped with my kodak point and shoot just moments after we met her.
Look at Nick's face:) One of the happiest days of my life!
~Happy Birthday Sarah~
We Love YOU!!!