It has been a long week here. Lots of unwanted snow and sickness.
Reags started with an upper respiratory thing last week and this week it hit me.
I had a huge presentation scheduled for Monday that I have been stressing over for the last two weeks and as my luck would go, I started feeling pretty crummy on Sunday night. I took a boatload of over the counter meds to get me through that meeting and by 2pm on Monday, I had absolutely no voice left. It stayed away all week, which I am sure my family enjoyed. . . just kidding :)
Anyhow, finally feeling better and looking forward to the weekend!
School has been closed the last two days and the girls are both disappointed because they were to have Valentine's Day parties in school with their friends. I will have to come up with some special to do here at home to make up for it.
We had a little fun a few weekends ago taking photos in the new workspace.
I have not even come close to finishing this series of photos, but I thought I would share just a few until I am back into the editing groove again. I blew up over 90 pink and purple balloons to fill the room. The girls had fun batting them around and I called Pat in to help us get some more movement. He suggested we bring in a fan to get them floating in the air and as I was clicking away, he walked in with the leaf blower from the garage. The photo at the top was the first snap as he entered the room, they were completely bewildered and Reagan was getting ready to jump off the chest of drawers. It was funny to watch and take in from behind the camera. Not only did the balloons fly, there was hair going in every direction too!
I will get the rest of these posted next week.
For now, this is just a little teaser.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Try not to eat too much chocolate.