I am way way behind with photos. As in two to three weeks behind.
I still have photos from Atlanta to share and some cute new photos of the girls.
Some of you get little sneak previews if you follow on instagram as I sprinkle in some dslr photos here and there.
So if you are there, you have probably seen these weeks ago, they are kind of old news, but I wanted to share them here too.
I am just running out the door for work and could use a little something to brighten my day.
These fresh flowers did not last all that long, but while they were alive,
they made me smile and feel like the season we are all very much looking forward to, is just around the corner.
What are we down to now. . . 6 days?
~Have a wonderful weekend everyone~
I can't wait to see those photos.
Happy Friday sweet friend!! I have always loved your floral photography. These are beautiful and make me happy just looking at them! Enjoy your weekend. Hope some spring weather is coming your way soon :)) xoxo
Gorgeous Color!
love these! so pretty <3
I'm thinking it is time I purchase a macro lens instead of just screwing on my little macro lens adapter.
Flowers always brighten my days! I picked some fresh daffs yesterday, and they have left a lovely scent in my hallway! Not something I associate with daffs!
Enjoy your weekend Lisa, it's a 3-day weekend here for Paddy's Day YAY!
These photos are gorgeous!! Love the soft pastel colors. Flowers do wonders to brighten your mood and outlook!! I'm so happy spring is almost here!! Have a fantastic weekend!
Ugh...being behind in things is super stressful. Hope you get everything done. :) The flowers are gorgeous!
I LOVE these!! My kind of photos. <3
i'm into floral photography too... this friday post is about girls and magnolia petals... a white & pink sea!
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