Last Saturday, the girls and I had some errands to do.
They did not realize it, but I had packed the car so that we could stop at the park and have a picnic style lunch after we were done.
We went to a park in Allentown with the most beautiful, big, old trees.

We decided unanimously that this was the prettiest tree around and that this is where we wanted to set up for the afternoon.

We ate our lunch, read the new books compliments of our trip to Target, and we also practiced our soccer skills.
Too bad the rain cut our trip a little short, but we sure did have fun.
The girls can't wait to go back and do this again.
Sarah does not know this, but I am going to be the mystery reader at her school in a few weeks.
I have chosen "The Giving Tree" as the book I am going to read to the class.
Hoping to incorporate these photos of our very own giving tree into a fun activity for her classmates.
Happy Weekend.... It is a beautiful one here in PA!
Whoa, what a beautiful tree!!!!! :O
Oh, wow. WOW again! It's like something out of a dream. Lovely, lovely pics of the girls.
That's still one of my favorite books. So, so sweet!
These are beautiful! How fun that you're going to be the mystery reader! Love that!
What an incredible tree!! and what a special time with your girls! Sarah will be thrilled that you are the mystery reader!!
I absolutely LOVE these images!! xo
its so high resolusion of the pict :D i like this
nice page and i like all of the pict :D
nice pict :D
Love that tree, beautiful photos! What a nice treat to stop and have a picnic, we've been doing that more now, too. I'd also like to read that book, "The Giving Tree." What a nice surprise for your child to be a mystery reader. :)
its beautifull off images :)
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what a beautiful tree... the yellow light, so warm and beautiful
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