Just some recent snaps of the girls that I have taken over the last few weeks.
I am not really one to process a lot of black and white photos, but recently I have been gravitating that direction and feeling somewhat inspired.
The head shots of Sarah were to document her new little braid.
She never wants anything in her hair and does not like for me to pull it back, so we settled on this and she loved it.
The series of Reagan in her room was totally candid and caught shortly after she "dressed herself" in a bathing suit top and a ballet skirt. Then paired it with her wonder woman boots from halloween and put on some glitter lip gloss. This was only 1 of 4 outfit changes in about a 6 hour timeframe.
Hope everyone had a Happy 4th of July!
I am feeling a little sad that it is already Sunday..... which means back to work tomorrow:(
Awesome and Inspring!
these are spectacular as usual--LOVE the black and white---remember at age 7 my Ava siad "no bows" too--sad day for me--but funny hting is I kept them as I see a lot of older girls wearing them and just recently she asked for them back to wear at the end of a pony tail--yea!!!! I know this sounds crazy and I have not yet met him in person-----but in the large picture of Sarah at the top Right I think she looks like Nick--do you see the resemblance? it is something in the eyes in that shot--has anyone else ever said that?
I for one LOVE B & W photo!! It adds a dramatic flair but somewhat subtle touch. If that makes any sense at all.
I really need to "study" your pictures! They are awasome!! I remain always I
Hypnotize by your work!
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