Hello, I am Lisa..... Wife, Mother of 3, Career Woman, and a Part-time Photographer.
I juggle a lot of different hats but seem to balance it all. I have experienced quite a bit these past few years.....my life has seen many ups and downs, but even during some of the most difficult struggles, my strength and perserverance have always pulled me through.
I started this blog in 2008 to chronicle our adoption journey and have a place where our family members could come and "visit" us. It has quickly evolved into so much more.
Through this blog I love to talk about my family, friends, my passion for food, and photography. My husband bought me my first DSLR camera just around the time I opened "The Long Road To China" and I was so inspired by the photos I saw on other blogs, I felt the need to learn everything I could to better my knowledge of my camera's functionality and my overall photography skills.
After my first photogrpahy workshop in January of 2009, I found myself completely addicted. I love to take pictures of my children and as you can see, I do that pretty often. Through photography, I have also learned to find beauty in all the things that surround me and I try to capture them in a way that is unexpected or not ordinary. I now look at the world through a completely different set eyes.
I am a Canon Girl and shoot with a 5d Mark iii.
In my bag you will find a 35mm f1.4, a 50mm f1.2, an 85mm f1.2, a 100mm f2.8 Macro with IS, and a 70-200 f2.8 with IS. I am a natural light photographer and rarely use a flash, but if forced to, I will pop on my speedlite 580ex ii.
After returning from China with my youngest daughter, I began to offer photography classes teaching other Moms the basics of shooting with a dslr camera. A large portion of the proceeds are donated to the Half The Sky foundation. They support and educate the staff in many of the orphanages in China, including the one where my daughter resided the first 10 months of her life. They make a huge difference in the lives of the children waiting in orphanages to be matched with forever families.
Thank you for stopping by. I hope you will come back soon and follow along to see how the rest of our journey unfolds.
I can be reached at visionsbylisa@gmail.com
God Bless you
I have to tell you how gorgeous you look in your wedding photos, simply stunning. The recent pictures of your kids are also amazing, they are so adorable and the pictures of your son for his 13th birthday....if you aren't already beatingthe girls away, you soon will be.
You are such an inspiration in all you do with such style and panache, I just wanted to say you make it look effortless, and I know it isn't, but your extra effort in all you do is noticed and admred by me.
Hugs and smiles,
I have been reading your blog and I just love all the wonderful pictures and the gorgeous children you have! My husband and I are wanting to adopt and we loved hearing of your experience with your agency. So we were wondering what agency you used?
thanks so much!
Wow! I absolutely love your blog and feel so inspired. We have a lot of similarities. I just started getting into photography as well, pretty much for the same reasons. I am trying to learn everything I can right now and practice, practice, practice.
My husband and I have three kids of our own, but hope to adopt as well in a few years. We still don't know where yet. We were thinking maybe South America, but we are leaving our options open.
I can't wait to read more of your blog!
would love to sign up for your classes but unfortunately cannot find your email address
Jen, my email is listed right in this post. Look towards the bottom:)
As you know i an a hugh fan of you, your kids and your photography. I want to ask your opinion. My cannon slr just doed. may it RIP it served me well. I want to replace it. what do you suggest. I have a lot of cannon lenses so Im assuming I will go with another cannon. but if you think a Nikon is better i can always sell my lenses. what do you use. love love love the quality of your pictures
i adore your photography and also would love to know what's in your camera bag. (i am looking for a new camera and some lens to purchase.)
would you mind to share it with us?
thank you.
I just stumbled across your blog and had to tell you - I love your glasses! Super cute. I also love the background on your blog. Great photography!
all the lenses i'll never have :( so jealous~
I'm so glad I found your blog. Your pictures (and family) are beautiful! We are in the process of adopting and it's so encouraging to read other stories.
Thank you!
I am blown away by your images. Absolutely stunning. I'm hooked. Looking forward to seeing more. PS: WHY are you only a PART-time photog??? ;)
I want to say thanks to you. I have bookmark your site for future updates.
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